iFive Alliances

Your Revenue Driver

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2014 Yes, Outsourcing

An imbedded cost (or hidden cost) is the cost of making decisions. What does it cost a company to request quotes from multiple providers, evaluate the responses and then make the decision. Is there only one provider who can meet the needs? is the cost between the best two providers worth the cost of the process? And on the other hand what does it cost the responders to respond?

Do we know what it costs to make a decision?

2015 Overhauling Change Management

Who benefits from a better understanding of the impact of change?

When do they gain this understanding? Before, after, or during the decision process to make the change?

2016 A Carve-Out By Any Other Name

Who integrates the leaning for a performer who is:

  1. Learning job skills for a new role
  2. Working for a new manager
  3. Dealing with health issues
  4. Has family matters that need attention
  5. Has recently moved

2017 Stress & Health (& Health Care Spending)

What are the potential stress factors related to workforce performance?

  1. A new job
  2. A new manager
  3. Your manager having a new manager
  4. Hiring a new direct report
  5. Company quarterly performance
  6. Annual review/salary change

Do we have the data that correlates these factors to learning outcomes?

2018 Pay For Value—The Glass Half Full, The Glass Half Empty?

Is it possible to assure profitability, improved quality and predictability? Do you want it to be assurable?

2019 CVS Health Launches New Social Care Network With Unite Us

How important is objectivity to learning and performance? If important - how do we assure it? Is Academic Freedom the answer? How do we assure the objectivity in that case?

2020 Current Payers, More Revenue — Four Tactics

What might cause revenues to decline when demand is rising?

2021 How Medicaid Managed Care Can Meet Rising Demand For Behavioral Hea...

How are we determining what our employees need so that their performance will meet or exceed expectations?

2022 Managing The Complex

What percentage of our employees have no obstacles to the success of their performance? Which obstacles are we  unable or unwilling to address?

2023 What Do Customers Want?

How do we prevent ourselves from projecting our wants onto our customers?

How do we prevent our customers wants from overshadowing their needs?

Does it matter? Why? When? To Whom?

2024 CMS Launches New Medicare GUIDE Dementia Care Model

What are the determinants of your best performance?

Do you know for sure? Have they changed?

What control do you have regarding the determinants?

What have you learned about maximizing your potential to succeed>


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