iFive Alliances

Your Revenue Driver

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2014 The Tyranny Of The Urgent

  1. What businesses should you be in?
  2. How do you add value to your business?
  3. Who are your target customers?
  4. What is your value proposition to those customers?
  5. What capabilities make you the best at how you add value to your business and how the business delivers its value proposition?"

2015 What Winning Proposals Are Execs Reading? Corrections, Quality, &am...

This is applicable when we think of the internal budget proposals we make requesting investment in new initiatives.

A model I have used is the 5 and 1/2 reasons a proposal is rejected:

  • No Trust (will you and they really be able to implement what you are proposing - how do you prove this?_
  • No Need (the need you are focusing on may not be perceived by others)
  • No Help (even if the need is perceived - another way of addressing it may be preferred)
  • No Hurry (you have to make a business case for the buyer regarding why now vs. "sometime")
  • No Close (have you asked for something specific to which there is an ability to say yes)
  • (1/2) No Money (1/2 the time you failed to prove the initiative would pay for itself and 1/2 the time it is one of the previous No's being expressed as a "lack of money."

2016 Consumers Don’t Know What They Don’t Know

What do our internal or external clients want from us?

How do we assure that our executive teams are current regarding what they need to know in order to make the best decision? (or best enough?)

2017 Whole Person Care Takes Another Step Forward

Is our industry interested and capable of "whole person learning?" Do you want us to be? How would it be evidenced?

2018 Medicare Home Health Prospective Payment System Update Includes New...

What is value of focusing on needs and conditions of the learner?

Is this a value based model our industry could consider? This might indicate that the costs associated with producing the desired outcome are the same - no matter what the cost of creating the outcome.

What other perspectives might be considered?

2019 Are You Ready For The Shatterproof Addiction Treatment ATLAS?

How might high ratings vary from high quality?

What are the benefits associated with an independent entity focused in improving quality over improving ratings?

What source of independent evaluation of quality does our industry have?

2020 Homebound: The Future Of Managed Long-Term Services & Supports?

Who is responsible for creating an office environment that assures safety and productivity?

Who is responsible for creating a home office environment that assures safety and productivity?

What innovations might your answers inspire?

2021 Four ‘Must Have’ Competencies For Post-Pandemic Competitive Advantage

What are the "must have" competencies to be a leader?

2022 Marketing As Strategy

How might Learning be a Strategy?

2023 Care Delayed

What is the impact of delaying learning?

How would you prioritize the importance of:

  1. Accessibility
  2. Cost
  3. Effectiveness
  4. Promptness
  5. Relevance

What would you add to this list?

If you had to eliminate one - what would it be?

2024 Leveling The Playing Field

Who benefits from a level playing field?

Who determines whether the field is level?

Who determines who determine whether the field is level?

When is the right time to answer these questions?

Is a level playing field a myth? Does it matter whether myth or not?


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