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2014 22 States Plan Medicaid Benefit Expansions In 2015

Accountability is inspiring healthcare to look more broadly at the patient and address what it finds.

What would cause us to look more broadly at the learner and address what we find?

2015 The New Google Search Rules For Health Care & What They Mean Fo...

With all the data that Google has access too (including what we search for) - how far can they go with health - particularly behavioral health?

If you had Google's data on your employees - would it change anything about how you would address their professional development needs? Your employees are "giving" Google this information - what would prevent them from giving it to you?

2016 Strategy In The Era Of Medicaid ACOs

If an external provider offered to take over employee training and agreed to be accountable for outcomes - how would you respond? Would you compete? collaborate? ignore?

2017 Social Determinants Today, Social Determinants Tomorrow

Do lifestyle, environment and biology impact performance outcomes? How are we addressing these factors?

2018 Child ER Utilization Rising. Why & What’s To Be Done?

How do we validate the reasons behind participation in the programs we offer?

When fewer than expected participate - is this because their needs are being met elsewhere? or they do not need what we are offering?

When more than expected participate - is this because there were fewer choices and what we offered was the best that was available - or we understood their expectations?

How could we know for sure - and what would we do if we knew?

2020 No Excuses Leadership: Lessons From The D-Day General

Excuses are readily available - and abundant if we are willing to find someone else that will take the blame for our failures>

How might we all be leader - all the time - and never make excuses for our actions? How might we create this culture? Would it be possible or effective or desirable?

2021 Behavioral Health Referrals In The Time Of COVID

What is the benefit or referrals?

What would motivate you to seek referrals?

What would motivate you to provide a referral?

How do we assure that there is no conflict of interest? How might we gain referrals when there might be a perceived stigma related to what we have to offer?

2022 Upping Your Consumer Engagement Game

What is learner engagement?

How do we assure that the learner gets the engagement they need vs. what they want or limited by what we offer?

What defines need? Is need a function of time (e.g. before, during, after, and well-after?)


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