iFive Alliances

Your Revenue Driver

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2014 Are Medicaid Managed Care Plans Ready For The Justice-Involved Cons...

Could poor performance result in health problems? Could health problems result in poor performance?

How do we manage this in the workplace? Do we want to?

2015 Big Data & The New ‘Audits’ For Billing Fraud

What would constitute "fraud" regarding learning?

2016 Medicaid Managed Care – Dominant Where It Exists

What are the benefits and risks associated with sourcing all of our training needs from one place?

2017 The Changing Face Of Opioid Addiction In 2017

What are the areas of great pain in the workplace?

What solutions do we offer?

Can we prove that they work?

2018 The Pace Of VBR Is Picking Up

How could we collect and validate industry data related to learning?

2019 Illinois Medicaid Implementing Managed Care For Foster Care On Febr...

How can we affordably extend managed learning care to our employees and families?

2020 Expanding Your Digital Toolbox with Chatbots

Who would you rather talk with your manager or a Chatbot?

Who would you trust more regarding a mental health issue - a human or a robot?

What is the relevance of privacy to your responses?

2021 Making Managed Care Meaningful

How do we assure we are doing good vs. simply being good at convincing others (and ourselves) that we are doing good?

2022 Mental Health Service Demand & Workforce Supply – How Do The Nu...

What would be the impact if mental health services were free and there were no stigma associated with it?

How might we be sure to have the capability to meet the demand?

What business model would sustain this?

2024 Massachusetts Medicaid Selects Plans For One Care & Senior Care...

How would you contrast your business model with your competitors?

What business model do you prefer as a consumer?

Do business models matter to the consumer?

What is the business model for healthcare? For education? For Auto, Home, of Life Insurance? For professional Sports?


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