iFive Alliances

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2014 Strategic Philanthropy – Can Good Intentions & Strategic Invest...

Collaboration has great potential - especially when accompanied by ethics. What is the role of ethics in sustaining the desired corporate culture? How do we assure ethics within our department for our enterprise and with our clients?

2015 North Carolina Legislature Approves Medicaid Reform, Behavioral Hea...

How do we build training budgets for the enterprise? Do we use an integrated approach or a siloed approach? Does this approach match how our culture wishes our employees to do their jobs?

2016 LTSS Is Changing – Will It Affect Your Strategy?

How does the way we budget professional development and measure short term performance support the notion of career development and employee retention? In other words - how does our money (not just our words) allow us to implement our values. Would it be desirable to:

  1. Budget for cross-functional career development outside of line of business budgets?
  2. Reward the line whose employees were developed in the line and then earn a promotion in a different line?
  3. Remove the stigma of "poaching" that makes it easier to hire (or get promoted) outside the company?

2017 The Strategic Challenges On The Road To Value-Based Reimbursement

What are the strategic and cultural challenges of VBR for training?

2018 Using A Meta-Leadership Approach For Value-Based Social Services

Where is Meta-leadership learned?

How is it reflected in the way we promote and compensate our leaders?

2019 Why Social Media Matters – Advice About STDs & More

How can we be assured that we are helping people in situations when anonymity is desired by the learner?

2020 CMS Launches New Acute Care Hospital-At-Home Waiver Program

What aspect of learning would you allow the learner to modify with the agreement that it would create better performance results?

2021 Data Variety, Veracity & Velocity

What data do we need but do not have?

What data do we have but do not trust?

What date is available but too late?

2022 The CCBHC Footprint

What factors contribute to the adoption of the same standard?

Once a standard is established what does it take to be replaced?

Are standards always the best solution? Always the legal solution? What carries more weight - being right or being legal? Which are we more likely to agree upon?

2023 Changing Is Hard. Failed Change Is Harder.

How do we objectively analyze the impact of our decisions?

  • Evaluate failed efforts
  • Celebrate successful efforts
  • Assess missed opportunity
  • Acknowledge status quo

Is success when deciding not to change - immaterial? Does objectivity just too hard to assure - so we are better served by ignoring it?

2024 The MAT Barriers

What is more important than your health?

Transportation? Entertainment? Gambling? Jewelry?

Why are we averse to paying to be healthy?


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