iFive Alliances

Your Revenue Driver

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2015 Market, Math & Metrics

How does your business model supply you with appropriate metrics?.

2016 Is Your Organization Ready to be 'The' Care Coordinator?


What incentive does the learner have to be accountable for outcomes?

2017 Where Are We On The Path To Value-Based Reimbursement?

Where are you on the path to VBR?

2018 From Health Plan Contract To Health Plan Partnership In Four Steps

How do you verify the benefit of working with an external provider?

2019 Verily Launches Non-Profit, OneFifteen, With A High-Tech Opioid Tre...

What would you want from a VBR partner? What would they want from you?

Don’t Underestimate The Culture Change In Becoming Data Driven

What comes first - the data or the decision? What makes you sure of your answer?

2021 Will Your Collaboration Succeed, Or Not?

What is the most successful collaboration that you have experienced as a participant or as an observer?

Least successful?

What type of collaboration would you wish to experience?

2022 Using Your Data To Provide More (Not Fewer) Options For Consumers

How might we shift our data mindset from - What can we glean for our advantage to what may we provide to the person whose data we have collected so that they can have advantage?

Would you be more willing to collaborate with the entity collecting the data if you trusted that it was being used to help you?

2023 The Definition Of “Big” Is Changing Again

How do we avoid being trapped by the belief that bigger is better and that we must scale in order to thrive?

While changing too quickly can be a problem - it can also be a problem to change too slowly?

What do we believe about the correlation between size and time (and cost) to change?


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