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2015 California’s Mental Health Carve-Out Preserved For Five Years, But ...

Behavioral health (medical) and Behavioral change (training) are closely related. I suspect it is easier to diagnose and remedy a broken bone than a matter of the mind. And yet - from the study of healthcare I am learning that matters of the mind do have impact to matters of the body.

Do we pay enough attention - and the right attention to matters of the mind related to workplace behavior impact?

2016 Keeping Up With The Changing Medicaid Addiction Treatment Landscape

Do we know enough about the people whose work performance we are trying to improve. Do we know their habits (their "addictions") regarding the way they perform their jobs?

My guess is that we do not? Does the individual understand their own habits - those that are beneficial and those that are not?

What can we do about this?

2017 The End Of Payment Reform – The Beginning Of Payment Cuts

"I think payment cuts won’t be the end of VBP or VBR. Rather it will accelerate the use of these alternate financing models. And if our reporting over the last month is any indication, the announcement of new initiatives that linked payment continues:"

As parents what did we learn was the best way to motivate our teenagers to find a part-time job?

Was cutting their allowance more or less effective than increasing it?

How would L&D respond if our budgets were cut and yet we were allowed to negotiate internal and external value-based payment agreements?

2018 The Future Of EHR—Collaborate, Connect, Communicate

The role of the LMS will also need to expand - and expand in a way that the future of L&D will expand.

Do we find LMS providers leading the way for the future of L&D?

Does your LMS also follow the vision for what you wish L&D to become?

What examples are you willing to provide?

Does the future for L&D include IoT, RPA and ML? How will the LMS market integrate with this future?

2019 Adjust Your Strategic Sails!

"What are the 'stop the presses' developments that executive teams need to incorporate in their strategic thinking?"

What are the 'stop the presses' developments your company is facing? How do these impact your L&D strategy?

2020 Walgreens To Open Up To 700 In-Store Primary Care Clinics In $1 Bil...

What do you have that allows you to help your clients better than your competitor? What do they have then helps them do a better job than you? What opportunities for collaboration does this provide?

2021 What Can You Learn From The Pizza Delivery Guy?

What are we learning about consumer behavior "in general" that might impact their expectations of us "soon?"

2022 How “Integrated” Are We?

What produces better long-term results - mandate or choice? How might "integration" result in better choices?

2023 The Alzheimer’s Complication

What is the impact to co-workers related to someone whose performance does not meet expectations?

What prevents detection and correction?

How likely is this to occur?
How are we preparing our employees for this occurrence?

2024 From EHR To…?

What is the purpose of an LMS - Learning Management System?

How of do you access the LMS to help you perform better?

What is the best source of knowledge that you voluntarily choose to access when you need knowledge?

What would do more for you regarding your interests in improving your performance than the current LMS?


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