iFive Alliances

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2015 If MAT For Addictions Is So Good, Why Aren’t More Consumers Using It?

"... great changes in the science, practice, and financing of addiction treatment.

  • ...the validity of abstinence only programs, such as Alcoholics Anonymous brought into question
  • ...changes in how we are financing and managing addiction treatment services
  • ...increase in the number of drugs designed to reduce chemical dependency

What changes in science, practice and financing have we seen in learning?

2016 Congress Approves ‘Comprehensive Addiction & Recovery Act’

"...the bill reframes addiction as a disease and establishes a framework for expanding access to addiction treatment."

How do we "frame" the way we address performance improvements in the workplace?

Remedial? Developmental? Mandatory? Optional?

How would you prefer to frame the way you choose to improve your performance?

2017 69% Of The Medicaid Population Is Enrolled In Managed Care – What A...

"But with the expanded use of managed care, has the population with serious mental illness (SMI) also moved to managed care for their physical health services"

Some of training may be provided for performance improvement  and some of training may be provided for career growth?

How do we determine the right balance of this training for those who are not performing well in their current role?

2018 Planning For A Risk-Based, Community-Focused I/DD Market

"... services for individuals with intellectual/developmental disabilities (I/DD)? ..... changing, and challenging, market..... moving from institutional service delivery to community-based models—at a time when many natural caregivers are aging out. This shift brings with it many “expected” business challenges."

The work in the I/DD market is worth studying for the corporate L&D function. The notion of HQ based training (institutional service - to community-based (OJT or line of business) may be facing the same challenges that healthcare is working on.

Where do you prefer to learn? Where can you afford to learn?

2020 Remaining A Niche Provider Organization Requires New Marketing Thin...

How do we assure that the requirement to be financially viable does not accelerate our demise?

2021 Behavioral Health Management Is Chronic Disease Management

What comorbidities might accompany a chronic "failure" to perform?

2022 Indiana Medicaid Planning 2024 Launch Of Managed Long-Term Care Ini...

We purchase auto, home, health, and life insurance - and we might pay for financial benefits on a recurring basis - related to value? What recurring model might we consider for learning?

2023 The Coming I/DD Demographics

When is a problem a problem?

2024 What’s Next?

How do you prepare for What's Next? How do you prepare for the Unforseen?

How do we know what happened "yesterday?"

Might yesterday be a stepping stool to help us reach higher ground or a trap door that sends us tumbling down?

When will we know? How will we know?


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