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2015 Have Social Impact Bonds Had an Impact

"If you aren’t yet familiar with the SIB concept, the basic model involves private investors making a loan to a provider organization to start and manage a specific program. A government agency then agrees to contract with that provider organization for the specific program – with a stipulation that payment will be made only if the organization meets agreed-upon performance requirements (see What is Pay for Success?)."

What obstacles would SIB face with Learning?

2016 Best Practice Online Marketing On A Budget!

Here is the model that the article describes:

  1. Have a plan
  2. Understand your budget
  3. Know your voice (and your audience)
  4. Use best practices

This feels "20th Century-like" to me - top down - inside out.

A best practice I have learned (and practice with Georgia LEARNS) is to give your prospects a voice first. Provide speaking and publishing opportunities for your clients/prospects to let others know what is important to them (do not try to manipulate their voice to be a reflection of your voice!)

What best practices are you willing to share?

2017 New Investments, New Contracts Top the List in 2017

This one got me wondering - why such a variance from state to state?

Opioid-Related Hospital Stays Soar Throughout The U.S., Affecting C...

Between 2005 and 2014, opioid-related hospital stays increased by 64% across the country. However, rate trends varied widely among different states. In North Carolina, Oregon, South Dakota, and Washington, rates increased by more than 70%, while Kansas, Louisiana, and Maryland showed rate declines. The data was obtained by the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality in their Healthcare Cost and Utilization Project.

Is it fair to say that the states with declines are doing something better than the states with increases?

Perhaps we need to know more before being sure about the answer.

Are we plagued by similar challenge with connecting effectiveness of learning investments based on pass/fail rates or test scores or attendance/completion rates? Does engagement matter? Do we measure engagement?

2019 The Four-Part Checklist For VBR Success

  1. Contract-Specific Performance Measures
  2. Routine Services & Transactions
  3. Great Customer Service
  4. Cutting-Edge Expertise

2020 VBR: Are You Walking In Your Customer’s Shoes?

How are we assuring that we are enabling learner's self-sufficiency as performers?

2021 Leveraging The Power Of Family

Why are we unwilling or unable to leverage the "Power of Family" regarding learning? How do we overcome the impact to those who do not have family or whose family would be unwilling to help? What other potential of sources of improved learning outcomes are we unwilling or unable to tap into?

2022 Can Improving The Documentation Process Improve Workforce Retention?

What might cause you to commit to never leaving your job? What is the longest you would commit to never leaving?

Why would you choose to not even consider leaving?

2023 Where Goes AI In Health Care Decision Support?

The AI "Rocket" has left the launch pad - and will be in orbit soon.

Are you on board?

How is the view?

What will we forget how to do if we rely on AI?

What will be able to do that could not have been done unless we had AI available to us?

(Think hearing aids or eyeglasses or flash lights or TV or radio or cameras or automobiles when you hear AI)

2024 The Privacy Conundrum

Why do we have privacy rights? Who determines what rights we have?

What are the implications?

What are the privacy rights regarding health, wealth, knowledge, and performance?


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