iFive Alliances

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2014 Expanding Opportunities To Serve Veterans

As we continue to learn how we might serve retirees or alumni - here are some ideas for how the VA augments their services:

  • Personnel augmentation
  • Network augmentation
  • Individual authorization of non-VA services

2015 California & The Mental Health Carve-Out

"California has 56 counties, ranging in size from under 100,000 to over 12 million in population. Some counties contract out for all services. Some provide all services themselves, and some form consortia to jointly provide/contract for the full array of services."

"The new reporting requirement CMS is imposing on both the DHCS and the county mental health plans may either increase the bureaucratic burden born by subcontractors or allow the counties to work with subcontractors to establish performance measures that are more meaningful. If the latter occurs, it may even pave the way for pay-for-performance contracts that will improve consumer care and make the counties look better to DHCS and CMS."

Perhaps California provides some insight for a future (evolutionary or disruptive) role for corporate L&D. Might we allow each function to be responsible for it's professional development and allow corporate L&D to have oversight regarding its effectiveness? Might Corporate L&D control some portion of the funding?

2016 68.8% Is The National Number – What Is Your State Number?

"State Medicaid plans have adopted a wide variety of approaches to health promotion, cost management, and value-based purchasing."

If the responsibility for learning, cost of learning and value-based outcomes resided in the lines of business - how would the role of corporate L&D be even more important. What can the lines of business do more effectively than corporate L&D? What can corporate L&D do more effectively than the lines of business?

2017 The Leadership Success Checklist For Uncertain Times

"A leader takes people where they want to go. A great leader takes people where they don't want to go but ought to be."

  • How can the leader be sure?
  • How do we help the leader be sure?
  • How are we sure we are helping the leader be sure?

2018 New Complications In The Complex World Of Health Insurance

"The recent announcement from Labor Secretary Alexander Acosta about new rules for “association health plans” (AHP) for small businesses and self-employed individuals are barely a month old (see The Beginning Of The End Of Parity) and have already earned a new label—'unworkable.'”

  1. consumer confusion over what the options are for health insurance coverage.
  2. the possible impact this will have at the state level—both in terms of regulatory budgets and the need to control for fraud.

How could we implement a professional development system designed for clarity of options - that is also affordable and eliminates the potential for fraud?

2019 Federal Appeals Court Upholds Order Limiting Texas Foster Group Hom...

What standards do we have that assure quality?

Do we need standards?

What would be the impact of standards?

What standards would you propose for workplace learning?

2020 Necessity Is The Mother Of Invention: Innovation In A Crisis

There will always be a crisis. There will always be the unforeseen. Not every crisis will matter the same to everyone. Not every thing unforeseen will be unforeseen by everyone. How have we adapted our instructional design models to respond to this? Do they need to be adapted?

2021 Aligning Staff Compensation To Value

This makes sense - even though it is quite difficult. With an increased focus on collaboration - does the notion that a "chain is only as strong as the weakest link" present an obstacle to aligning compensation to value?

Does more compensation create more competence?

2022 The New Partnership

What partnerships would you consider even if they created more value for your clients and less value for you?

2023 Bigger Footprints, Expanding Models, New Money: An OPEN MINDS Marke...

Where have we maintained the status quo and delayed innovation?

How do w know this was the right decision?

When will we know?


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