Your Revenue Driver
2024 An article was not received on 7/6/24.
2022 Testing The Digital Acumen Of Your C-Suite
2021 Tennessee Rebids Medicaid Managed Care Organization Contracts
2020 $15 Billion HHS Relief Fund For Medicaid & CHIP Provider Organi...
2019 (An article was not received)
2018 The Catch-22 Of Charity Care
2017 The Thousand Right Things
2016 What Is Grabbing Executives’ Attention This Year?
2016 Home Care Minimum Wage & Overtime Rules To Move Ahead With Supr...
2015 Maryland Medicaid To Launch ACO-Like Model For Dual Eligibles
2017The Thousand Right Things The terms superutilizer and behavioral health recur quite often in health care conversations and both topics relate (perhaps without translation) to the learning industry.
How does the workplace respond to a learner who requires extra time to learn? or who resists elearning? or who does not respond well in online discussion groups? Usually - not favorably?
With learning being designed for the masses and hence an expectation that the masses adapt the way they learn to how we prefer to deliver the learning are we poorly suited to be accountable for learning outcomes from people who do not learn well from the manner in which we have chosen to deliver the learning? How is it that we continue to get away with this? As accountable care organizations become forced to deal with this - will there be an expectation for learning organizations to also deal with this?
What if a learner is unaware of their learning style?
What if the learning style is evident but not in a database?
How can the learning style be communicated from one organization to another as the learner learns from different organizations?
Is this worth worrying about?
Will technology help us track this? Will we let it help us?
2016 What Is Grabbing Executives’ Attention This Year?
A quick look at our statistics for the first half of the year finds that financing changes and new rules top the list.(Would money and rules be at the top of L&D' list too?
Here are the other matter for healthcare executives:
Item 3, 9 and 10 are one for us to learn from.
2015 Maryland Medicaid To Launch ACO-Like Model For Dual Eligibles
Are you interested in launching an ALO pilot?
2016 Home Care Minimum Wage & Overtime Rules To Move Ahead With Supr...
The DOL “Home Care Rule” ends the “companionship exemption”
Is an exemption needed for workplace learning? If an employee is allowed to access training via company resources (e.g. the LMS) that is not required or related to their current job or current career - would they be paid for this?
If they are paid - would their be limitations? What would be the benefit of the limitations? What would be the risks of not paying the employee? What would you propose as a win-win solution for employee and employer?
2018 The Catch-22 Of Charity Care
We have a similar challenge with workplace learning - particularly with elearning. If an individual is paid to take elearning and requires more time to assimilate the learning then the costs go up for the employer. If the amount of time or pay is limited then the individual may not adequately learn or perform. How do we deal with this catch-22?
2020 $15 Billion HHS Relief Fund For Medicaid & CHIP Provider Organi...
How might training/education for families or friends of employees be offered as a benefit of employment?
2022 Testing The Digital Acumen Of Your C-Suite
Who is accountable for the Digital Acumen of your C-Suite? Does it matter if they have it or if anyone is accountable for it?
What might be the impact of having the role of assuring it?
2021 Tennessee Rebids Medicaid Managed Care Organization Contracts
What are the risks and benefits of allowing one entity to provide most of the learning services available to your employees?
What actions might lead to the elimination or reduction in the need for formal behavioral health interventions?
What obstacles might prevent this?
What actions might lead to the elimination or reduction in the need for formal performance interventions?
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