iFive Alliances

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2017 Think Health Homes are Only for Medicaid?

With education - how do we determine the best way for someone to learn while considering the learning styles that are accessible to the individual - either by choice or not?

How do we avoid providing "learning crutches" - if they are not needed?

And conversely - how do we ensure that the learner asks for help if truly needed?

Does it matter? Is it easier to just make the decision for the learner by having only one option available? What are the legal ramifications? What are the performance ramifications?

2015 Digital Medicine From The Payer Perspective

How far would you be comfortable with Digital Medicine going? and Digital health?

How far would you be comfortable with Digital Education going? and Digital learning?

2016 Need Financing For Your Next Big Service?

What sources of financing exist for our work? What new sources are you open to consider? What might those sources expect from you?

2018 Ohio Medicaid Moving Community Mental Health & Addiction Treatm...

What areas of professional development are best offered externally? Why?

2019 Data & Decision Support For Suicide Assessment

How many times does an employee consider exiting a company before they do so?

For each employee that exits - how many consider it?

Why might we choose not to publish this data?

2020 Getting To Whole Person Addiction Treatment

What might we do to assure whole person education for employees who are not committed to employment by us?

2021 Pay Me Now & Pay Me Later: The “Whole Person” Approach To Alzhe...

What is the "fairest" way to pay for learning? Who decides what is fair? What might be even better than fair?

2022 (Digital) Literacy & The Digital Transformation Of Health Care

How has this changed the way we learn? How has this change impacted the way we teach?

2023 The 411 Of 988

What creates retention of information?

What prevents it?

2024 The AI Opportunity

Is AI "just" another technology innovation?

How is it the same? How is it different?

What will the next technology innovation be? What do you want it to be?


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