iFive Alliances

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2017Value-Based Reimbursement Developments Continue Reshaping (Every) M...

It appears that now the providers are using value-based reimbursement to create competitive distinction - by focusing on the outcomes that their clients experience. How clever - will our industry learn from this? Will we resist change by stating that it is not needed or that we are already doing this?

What do you want our industry to do?

What fears do you have?

How would you overcome these fears?

Who would help you?

2015 The New Stats On The New Payer Landscape

The healthcare industry focuses a lot of attention on who pays the provider of healthcare services.

Who pays for Pre-K education?

Who pays for K12 education?

Who pays for college education?

Who pays for professional education?

Is there any correlation between who pays, the results and the effort of the learner? Is it worthwhile to know for sure?

2016 The Question Of Family Caregivers & Capitated MLTSS Rates

What percent of workers provide unpaid education (informal learning) for others? Is this expected as "part of the job." Is this expected as part of being a  friend? Is it effective? Would it be more effective if there was compensation or acknowledgement?

2018 We're In The Third Inning

How do we assure that the learner, their manager and the manager's manager follow the plan that learners need to follow un order to perform as expected. Would we better off preparing the learner to perform well independent of whether or not their management performs well?

2019 Where Wellness & Prevention Fit In A Value-Based World

"... the return-on-investment (ROI) data on wellness and prevention programs is spotty. Second, wellness and prevention programs are designed to affect a consumer’s overall health over the course of their lifetime. With our current system, this means that there isn’t a direct financial incentive for many payers or provider organizations to implement these programs."

This is precisely the issue with learning as well. We struggle to prove the ROI of investments in learning and we are unlikely to directly fund education that accelerates the ability of an employee to leave their current job for a different job with a different employer.

What is a practical and sustainable way to fix this?

2020 When Chased By A Bear In The Woods…

Who are we chasing?

Who is chasing us?

Who is our boss chasing?

Who are our employees chasing?

2021 Making Tough Choices: Don’t Wait Until The Next Crisis

This is easy to say, hard to do-and even easier to criticize others for failing to do. What if - we expected "waiting" to be the norm? What changes would we make?

2022 Hybrid Consumers, Hybrid Staff—Making The Mix Work

How might we assure that our clients and employees are better prepared to work with each other? What might motivate our clients to help make this work?

2023 Geography As Growth Strategy

What is the impact of geography to performance?
What is the impact of geography to our clients?

What is the impact of geography to our ability to the best we can be?

When might a distributed approach create better outcomes than a centralized or decentralized approach?

2024 Integration – Bridging The Gap

When it comes to evaluating gaps - what is more important?

Perceptions, Realities, or Intentions?


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