iFive Alliances

Your Revenue Driver

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2015 Five Steps To Better Decisionmaking – From The CIA

  1. Find the real question
  2. Identify your decision drivers
  3. Decide on the data needed to analyze each driver
  4. Collect the data
  5. Look for what’s missing

What occurs if there is surface agreement on the "real question" but in fact deeper questions (hidden agendas) that are motivating decisions?

2016 Pay-For-Value & Mental Health Treatment – Reading The Tea Leaves

What are the similarities between behavioral problems and performance problems?

2017 Medicare Managed Care Is On The Increase – At Consumer Request

Who do you want to be responsible for your learning and performance?

2018 Oh, Those Consumer Reviews

How much value do you place on consumer reviews? How much value would you like to place on them?

How much value do you place on reviews of consumers? (How might we offer better options if we knew how well our consumers (i.e., learners) learned?

2019 Kentucky Rebids Medicaid MCO Services, Creates One Specialized Cont...

How might we assure that we are helping chronic under-performers - no matter where they were employed or where they are performing?

2020 Show Me The Value, Show Me The Money

How do we assure value without connecting it to money? How do we assure that we value something that is available for free without taking it for granted? Where do we do this well? Where do we do this poorly?

2021 Beefing Up Your EHR To Beat The Competition

How has technology helped us be more competitive as individuals? What are we competing against?

2022 Privacy, Marketing & Consumer Engagement

We need money - so we are taught how to manage money.

We need to be healthy - so we are taught how to manage our health.

We need to learn - are we being taught how to learn?

2023 Competing With Retail

Who are you competing with?

What would you do if your competitor offered the same thing as you - for less money, for free, or if they actually paid clients to use their services?

2024 Colorado Releases RFPs To Strengthen Public Behavioral Health Services

How do we decide what to charge to help someone be healthier?

How much would we voluntarily pay to be healthier?

Why is payment needed?


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