iFive Alliances

Your Revenue Driver

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2017 Uberizing Health Care Transportation"About 25% of consumers in the suburbs miss medical appointments due to the lack of transportation (see Transportation To Clinic: Findings From A Pilot Clinic-Based Survey...)"

Does anyone miss educational or employment opportunities due to the lack of transportation?

2018 High Turnover, The Other Staffing Issue

Addressing staff turnover is not a new topic? Why have we been unable to address it - industry wide. Is new thinking required? Is turnover negative? Is it possible to manage turnover while improving outcomes and profitability? Is it worth trying?

2015 Making The Link – Trauma & High-Needs Consumers

My guess is that we are blind to an individual's previous experiences and that either stigma or unawareness might prevent the individual from making changes on their own.

Do we have a choice besides ignoring this?

2016 Leadership Evolution Needed For Successful Population Health Manage...

How might we assure “collective impact” and “meta-leadership” vs. simply describing it or claiming it?


2019 CVS To Expand HealthHUB® Format To 1,500 Stores Nationwide By 2021

What would concierge learning services include? Would it provide solutions or just information?

2020 New Service Lines, New Measures

What new services (not just new products) do we offer? How do avoid changing measurement when in fact it is the service that needs to be changed?

2021 Made-To-Order Jeans But One-Size-Fits-All Medications?

Uh-oh! Guilty as charged? Why are we avoiding the personalization of learning?

2022 So What’s Up With The Unemployment Rate?

Low unemployment rate and at the same time low employment rate. What might this mean?

2024 Michigan Rebids Its Duals Demonstration, Transitioning To Highly In...

How do we determine what to do when what we are trying to accomplish has not been done before?


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