iFive Alliances

Your Revenue Driver

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Replies to This Discussion

2015 Are You Ready To Compete On Your Customers’ Experience?

What does this mean in tangible actions on our part? How can we be assured that we are doing so?

2016 The Integration Of Medicaid Addiction Treatment Services

How do we assure that the learner makes choices that result in the effectiveness of their learning?

2017 New Opportunities In The Shifting Medicaid Carve-Out Market

What checks and balances are we applying or innovating to assure the effectiveness of our time and effort?

2018 Kansas DCF Announces Foster Care Procurement Changes

What mistakes have been made within our industry? How did we recognize them and what did we do about them?

2019 The 5-4-6 Formula

What are the priorities for:

  • Learners?
  • Payers?
  • Providers?

How are we optimizing for all three while increasing value for all three?

2020 From Staying Afloat To Navigating

How and where are we navigating into areas that are assuring our relevance? What obstacles are we discovering? Which ones are new?

2021 Consumers & Payers Are “Digitally Fluent” But What About Your T...

What does it mean to be digitally fluent? Might our fluency have a date stamp? An expiration date?

2022 Care For The Incarcerated – Better Or Worse?

How do we assure that our employees are not so busy doing their current job that they are at severe risk of falling behind on their potential for future jobs? How are you doing with this for yourself?

2023 Why Do Consumers Not Come Back? (Or Not Show up?)

What do our clients value? What do we value? What is the response if the values are not able to co-exist to create more value for both?

2024 The Tech Strategy Path

What moves more quickly - the introduction of new technologies or the ability to effectively leverage technology investments?

What buyer trends has this stimulated?

What provider trends has this stimulated?


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