iFive Alliances

Your Revenue Driver

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2015 The End Of IMD Exclusion?

The Heath Brothers book "Switch" educated me on the concept that the effectiveness of change is related to intellectual, emotional, and easiness.

Intellectual and emotional factors are not likely to be easy. How do we avoid choosing easy - because it is easy - perhaps to the detriment of intellectual and emotional factors?

2016 The Morphing Of ‘Case Management’

What might be the potential for learning case management? How would its success be determined? By whom? When?

2017 ‘Agile Innovation’ Needed For The Challenges Ahead

How have we become more agile? What will hinder agility in the future?

2018 Make Change Or Be Changed

How is our role related to change perceived by others? Are we where we wish to be?

2019 Worried About The New Guys? Planning To Navigate Market Disruption

What is a successful alternative to worrying about the new guys?

2020 The Recovery Formula: Strategy + Innovation + Preparing For (Some) ...

How are we innovating to assure the funding we need is available to us?

2021 London-Based Babylon Buys 700-Physician Network In California; Plan...

What type of organization might the L&D function acquire?

2022 The CFO For The Coming Era Of Growth

How does the CFO assure their role is sustaining revenue growth? How does the L&D role assure revenue growth for the organization?

2023 Dead Or Alive?

Is the classroom dead?  Is e-learning alive?

2024 The CFO Performance Partnership

What aspect of a company is most important to you as the client - Sales, Marketing, Product Development, Operations, or Finance?

What is second most important?

What is least important?


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