Your Revenue Driver
2024 Forging Ahead With Transformational Leadership
2023 Indiana Recommends Four Health Plans For $15 Billion In Medicaid MLTSS Contracts
2022 The Health Plan Strategy Puzzle—10 Years Later
2021 Specialty Care Strategy For A Tech-Enabled Future
2020 Foster Parents Need ‘Real World’ Supports
2019 Virtual Mental Health Delivery Systems Evolve
2018 Moving EHR Investments From ‘Must Do’ To ‘Must Have’
2017 Arizona Medicaid Announces ALTCS Managed Long-Term Care Contract Aw...
2016 Medicare Advantage Star Ratings Create New Market Opportunities
2015 Medical Records Held Hostage - From Consumers
Here is what I thought before I read the above article -
Well - now I feel even more strongly about it! Recently I had one of my credit cards compromised so I went to the police station to file a report. A few days later I was able to go to the website - pay $5.00 and get a copy of the report - the report had several errors in it.
So now I wonder - might a medical report have an error in it? How would I know? Recently I've had several minor and temporary medical procedures that were accompanied with prescriptions. Twice these prescriptions were changed but my medical record still shows that I am using the original prescription. Now I know why the check-in process always asks me to verify what prescriptions I am taking. But the question remains - how do I know if an error is made in documenting my health record and who makes decisions based on what is in my record?
Now - to education - we have education records on file - also -back to elementary school at least. Who has access to these files - do I? Who is responsible for the accuracy? What decisions were being made based on what is in these files? Perhaps one of the reasons to deny access is to deny the accountability for errors?
2016 Medicare Advantage Star Ratings Create New Market Opportunities
This rating system makes sense and appears to be working. I recently found out that the construction industry uses a similar model.
In Brief:
1. The client issues an RFP and describes the maximum that they are willing to pay
2. The providers submit bids (presumably below the maximum)
3. The client pays rebates (some percent of the difference between the maximum and the winning bid) and bonuses to reward the provider for actual performance.
This seems to work well when the opportunity is recurring and the provider seeks a long term relationship.
What challenges do you see if we tried to implement this with corporate training (internally or externally?)
2017 Arizona Medicaid Announces ALTCS Managed Long-Term Care Contract Aw...
What would long-term managed education look like? Do we have it already? Is it needed?
2018 Moving EHR Investments From ‘Must Do’ To ‘Must Have’
How are we assuring that the "song we sing" regarding technology impacts to quality, outcomes and cost are truly reflected in the "dance we are dancing?"
2019 Virtual Mental Health Delivery Systems Evolve
Have we really reduced costs while improving access to learning by making it virtual?
How are we assuring better performance outcomes via virtual learning?
2020 Foster Parents Need ‘Real World’ Supports
How are we defining the support systems that we need in order to assure performance outcomes?
2021 Specialty Care Strategy For A Tech-Enabled Future
Who is responsible for assuring that patients are using technology effectively for their health future?
Who is responsible for assuring that learners are using technology effectively for their career future?
2022 The Health Plan Strategy Puzzle—10 Years Later
We agree that a health plan is important - and our employers and government agree.
What about a professional development plan? A financial readiness plan? An emotional stability plan?
Which of these do we want the government and our employer to be involved with?
What alternatives do we have?
2023 Indiana Recommends Four Health Plans For $15 Billion In Medicaid MLTSS Contracts
What areas of learning (i.e. performance) would you be willing to outsource and then hold the provider responsible for the outcome?
Time management? Customer satisfaction? Lead generation? Other? Nothing?
2024 Forging Ahead With Transformational Leadership
What would you say to your CEO about what to transform about their leadership?
What would your CEO say to you about what to transform about your leadership?
© 2025 Created by Paul Terlemezian.
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