Your Revenue Driver
2024 Evernorth Launches Outpatient Behavioral Health Practice
2023 Taking SDOH Solutions To Scale
2022 For Strategic Growth, Think Investment
2021 Leadership Inspiration—The Key To Employee Retention
2020 Moving Your Services To Where Your Consumers Live
2019 FDA Approves Zulresso, First Drug For Postpartum Depression
2018 The Hospital Perspective On ‘Owning’ Value-Based Reimbursement
2017 Looking Beyond The Superutilizer Umbrella
2015 Magellan's Shift To Gainsharing
As I continue to read about the challenges that the healthcare industry is facing as it moves towards a pay-for-performance model I get discouraged about seeing it ever happen with training.
Perhaps the right approach is not to anticipate wide-spread adoption - but to apply it solely as a differentiator? I am OK with this if it is treated professionally by the consumer organizations.
What would it take for that to happen?
2016 Exactly Where Are We With Value-Based Reimbursement
Not only is this "easy to say and hard to do" but I am now wondering if it is "easy to say one supports but no one really wants to do it?:
As I read about the "brain cells" being consumed thinking about this in healthcare I wonder if those brain cells could be better used assuring that we get healthier.
I also think about how when something has obvious value we really do not worry about proving the value and expecting a pay for performance option. And - perhaps the real "deal breaker" - as consumers - are we willing to be accountable for our share of the responsibility that a capable provider is likely to expect?
For example - a home warranty service provider gets "paid for performance" but requires a home inspection before agreeing to provide the service. What if a medical provider only agrees to be paid for performance if the patient has proven to be compliant (i.e. a follower of doctor's orders?)
Today I heard that fitbit data is being used to validate a patient's claim to be physically active. Might there be a "fitbit" some day that assures that a learner is performing as expected with the knowledge provided from the training they received?
2017 Looking Beyond The Superutilizer Umbrella
How is it that those with multiple chronic conditions are increasing? Has the attempt (or focus) on one condition caused earlier detection of another?
How do we assure that the remedy is worth the cure? What are we doing to assure that the "side-effects" of learning are worth the investment in learning?
2018 The Hospital Perspective On ‘Owning’ Value-Based Reimbursement
“Whoever has the gold makes the rules.” Or perhaps - Whoever makes the rules gets the gold?
Neither appeals to me - as true as both might be.
Does either appeal to you?
What other phrase does appeal to you?
2019 FDA Approves Zulresso, First Drug For Postpartum Depression
What conditions if any would cause you to support the use of prescription medication that was proven to have a positive and quick impact to workplace performance? (i.e. Performance Enhancing Drugs)
2020 Moving Your Services To Where Your Consumers Live
How does our mindset impact the toolset that we choose to use and the skillset that emerges? What would cause the acceleration of the effective blend of mindset, toolset and skillset?
2021 Leadership Inspiration—The Key To Employee Retention
What have you seen applied successfully to sustain leadership inspiration? Where does accountability for this belong?
2022 For Strategic Growth, Think Investment
Where have you seen investments in training that require several years before the outcome proves that the investment was wise? Do we measure it then? How do we recognize those who made the investment decision at the time of measurement?
2023 Taking SDOH Solutions To Scale
SDOL - Social Determinants of Learning
2024 Evernorth Launches Outpatient Behavioral Health Practice
What new practice have you launched?
What new service/product have you purchased?
Was it new to you and yet previously-adopted by others or was it new to everyone?
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