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2015 “Braindoping” – Cosmetic Neurology Is Gaining Steam

What do we know and apply regarding increasing the ability to learn and perform? We use food - is that as far as we are willing to go - or should go?

2016 Can You Tell If Your Organization Is On The Financial Brink?

How might we assure that the corporate L&D function is a solvent business? Is it worth assuring?

2017 The On-The-Ground Reality Of Making Telehealth Work

What innovations would assure the success of elearning? How might we agree on the definition of success?

2018 The Stigma Of Addiction Treatment Medication

What stigmas do we face? What will it take to overcome them? Are we willing to do what it takes?

2019 The Big Target For Specialty Provider Organizations—The Cost Of Com...

We know that the "co-morbidity" of unplanned attrition is a reality. How does our business model impact our ability to address this effectively?

2020 From Crisis To Growth: A New Leadership Mindset

What toolset is needed to manage a crisis? What toolset is needed to manage growth? What skillset allows the for the effective use of these tools?

2021 The Addictions Treatment Market: Demand, Digital, Investment, &...

What creates addiction? Why is it so hard to overcome? Is it desirable to become addicted to positive behaviors?

2022 Does Mental Health Privacy Really Matter To Consumers?

Why does workplace performance privacy matter?

2023 Demographics Are Destiny

Several years ago - my good friend Hal Schlenger enlightened me after I casually stated - "everyone wants to be healthy." He gently suggested that actually - "No one wants to be sick. They would behave differently if they truly wanted to be healthy!'

So - does everyone want to have knowledge? or - Does no want to be accused of not having knowledge?

What is your perspective and how might acceptance of your perspective influence learning improvements?


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