iFive Alliances

Your Revenue Driver

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2015 Going Retail!

How easy is it for your clients to use and benefit from your service? Is it supposed to be easy? What makes it worth the effort if not easy and how do you prove that it is worth the effort?

2016 The Medication Choice Issue In The Dual Eligible Demonstration Proj...

Why are there so many choices for how to learn a given topic - and yet no proof that any one way is any better than another - or that in fact - any of the ways actually work!

2017 California Medicaid Releases Plan For Transitioning Developmental C...

Under what condition might a provider (internal or external) be willing to assure the performance outcomes of the learner?

2018 Changing EHR Regs Spell Strategy Adjustment

What prevents us from providing access to learning performance information for former employees?

2019 Ready For Risk? How Would Your Team Answer That Question?

It is common to place a higher reward when there is higher risk? How do we identify the optimal risk/reward level for the providers, consumers, and payers related to learning investments?

2020 Another Strategy Issue—FDA Waives Approvals Of Mental Health Digita...

What rules might we consider waiving to accelerate innovation? What are the likely consequences?

2021 More Data Means More Risk

How might we change behavior if we were not allowed to reference data?

2022 Addiction Prevalence & Deaths Up—Opioids Front & Center

I have heard:

  • An ounce or prevention is worth a pound of cure
  • A strength taken to an extreme may become a weakness
  • Haste makes waste
  • He who hesitates is lost

Is it possible to have too much of a "good thing?" Is it possible to be over-educated or know too much? What do we to about this potential for "harm?"

2023 MinuteClinic Mental Health Services Launch At CVS Pharmacy Location...

What might be the benefits and challenges associated with offering live - micro-learning? How might we overcome the challenges? Why might we?

2024 The Changing For-Profit Footprint

Why might there be concern regarding private investment impact on nonprofits?

What are the concerns related to nonprofits being focused on profit?

What prevents a nonprofit from being focused on profit?

What prevents those from overseeing nonprofits being focused on profit?

What drives change - the market, the business, the government? Something else?


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