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2015 Getting Your Clinical Team On Board With Technology

Why are educators perceived to be averse to using technology?

2017 Arizona Medicaid To Integrate Behavioral Health Into Managed Care, ...

What innovations have you experienced that produce better behavioral results faster and with less cost? How were the results measured, sustained, and assured?

2018 Autism Rates & Autism Costs—A Future View

How  do we assure that the measurement of a behavior produces only positive impact to the behavior? What does positive mean? Does it matter who does the measuring?

2019 Another Rating System—This Time For Addictions—Adds To The Search F...

  1. What needs to be rated?
  2. How does what matters to the rating get determined?
  3. How is the rating determined?
  4. How are the competencies related to the rating acquired?
  5. How do we validate the ratings?
  6. How do we validate the validators (etc.)

How do we assure the optimum structure to assure the integrity of the rating system?

2020 The Lockdown Was Simple—Reopening Not So Much

Acquiring knowledge is "simple." How do we assure that it is the right knowledge and that it was worth the effort to acquire it?

DEA Delays Ending Controlled-Substances Prescribing Flexibilities, ...

What "temporary" changes related to learning would you consider making permanent? What prevents this?

2024The Workforce Priority

Why do we seek employment?

How do we learn to gain employment?

Who is accountable for our success?


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