iFive Alliances

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2015 Solution Needed: Incorporating Addiction Treatment Data Into The Integra...

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2016 Robotics & The Future Of Labor – In Health Care & Elsewhere

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2017 Does Your CEO Have The Right Leadership ‘DNA’?

Is DNA alterable? Does every CEO need the same DNA? Has it always been this way? Will it always be this way? How do we know that our answers are not sustaining a self-serving problem?

2018 75% Of Your Management Team Was Offered Another Job This Year

What role might we play to optimize employee (not only management) transition?

2019 Opioid Clarity?

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2020 The Amazons Of Health Care

Amazon started with how we "acquired" a book - and now does a lot more. How are we doing a lot more than helping our clients "acquire" learning?

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Who is committed to helping those who need more help to perform well do so? Who is accountable for this? What results can we reliably expect?

2022 The Unintended Implications Of Nursing Homes Closures

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2023 Making Hybrid Health Care Work

What checks and balances related to consumer, provider, payer - might we adapt based on what has worked or not worked related to healthcare and independently related to learning?


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