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2015 Ohio To Implement Medicaid Behavioral Health Redesign & 1915(i)...

What would motivate a redesign of the way learning is accomplished?

2016 Where Does Your State Rank In Consumer Cash Assistance?

What do yo think would happen if we offered employees their choice between cash assistance to support the learning needed to do their work or access to training? What method do you prefer? Why?

2017 The Telehealth Numbers Are In – And They Aren’t Too Impressive

How might we objectively assess the impact of elearning? What might be done to improve the impact of learning - independent of the format?

2018 Telehealth Gains Popularity, Telehealth Budgets Don’t

What are the risks and rewards related to elearning? How have the risks been minimized and the rewards increased? What might sustain or accelerate positive momentum?

2019 Increasing Integration—Foster Care & Health Services

What innovations would you like to see that would help those who cannot afford to pay for the learning they need in order to earn more so that they could pay for the learning? Or might it be better to lower the cost to zero?

2020 A Challenge For Management Teams: Moving From Shutdown To Reopening

What have we learned from this pandemic that will assure we respond well to the next one?

2021Optum Launches Virtual Care Offering Nationwide

What levels of virtual learning will occur post-pandemic? How might we achieve positive accelerations of innovation without needing a crisis? Or - is a crisis necessary?

2022 Bumps On The Path To Health Equity

Is equity an elusive and moving target by design - and is that a good thing?

2023 The Carve-Out/Carve-In Question

What are the risks and rewards of learning carve-outs? What safeguards do you recommend?

2024 The Changing Path From Service To Payment

What is more important to you - providing a service - or getting paid to provide a service?

What is more important to your clients - gaining value from your service - or paying as little as possible?

What opportunities do your answers create?


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