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2023 Florida To Select MCOs For Comprehensive I/DD Medicaid Managed Care...

2022 (An article was not received on 11/27/22)

2021 (An Article was not received on 11/27/21)

2020 (An article was not received on 11/27/20)

2019 (An Article was not received on 11/27/19)

2018 ‘Rapid Access’ Might Just Be Your Next Health Plan Conversation

2017 FDA Approves First Device To Treat Opioid Withdrawal Symptoms

2016 (An article was not received on 11/27/16)

2015 (An article was not received on 11/27/15)

2014 (An article was not received on 11/27/14)

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2017 FDA Approves First Device To Treat Opioid Withdrawal Symptoms

What technologies can be used or invented to help people remember or actually apply what they learned - when they need to do so? Could it be us who invents these?

2018 ‘Rapid Access’ Might Just Be Your Next Health Plan Conversation

What is the impact to long wait times to obtain the training that is needed?

From the provider side - how do we measure the learners that abandon the potential to use your services?

From the consumer side - what is the impact to deferred productivity gains related to applying what will be learned?

If the data existed - what might it reveal? What changes might we make based on what it might reveal? What would cost more - finding the data or making the changes?

2023 Florida To Select MCOs For Comprehensive I/DD Medicaid Managed Care...

How do we decide whether to do something ourselves or to do nothing or to hire someone else to do it for us?

If money were not a factor - what would be the most important factor?

If you were not allowed to do it yourself - how would you decide?

What would you be reluctant/unwilling to allow someone else to do for you?


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