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2014 Making “Hot Spotting” Work In Your Organization

"Using the data in consumer care planning, referred to as “hot spotting,” and use of technology to monitor and manage consumer health care status are also core competencies in this new model – something that I wrote about in Think Hot Spotting & Automated Hovering."

How might we use current data about learners to impact the learning we offer? Is this a "promise" of adaptive learning?

What would the impact be to our organizations to adopt an "adaptive learning" mindset?

2015 App Potential

".... a confluence of trends, including growing interest in the so-called sharing economy, where technology connects providers with excess capacity and consumers who want on-demand services. Many doctors and nurses who work for hospitals are eager for extra work in their off-hours."

"Curbside Care – .... house calls .... treatment for over 50 different conditions, including depression.

Doctors Making Housecalls – ....62 clinicians that specializes in elderly, complex consumers but also provides service for any non-complex consumer age three and older.

Heal – ...an app to contact a family doctor or a pediatrician... services for cold, coughs, fever, flu, headaches, rash, ear infections, strep throat, sport injuries, and stomach aches.

MedZed – ...sends a nurse... to do a preliminary exam, and connect online with a doctor....

Pager – ... house call..common illnesses, minor injuries, minor skin conditions, physicals, pediatrics, and prescription delivery

RetraceHealth – This service is available in the Minneapolis area, and combines a consultation with a nurse practitioner via video for $50, with a $150 house-call when actual hands-on care is necessary."

2016 What Is ‘Blockchain’ & What Will It Mean For Your Tech Strategy?

"So what is it"

  • "allows multiple parties to exchange sensitive, fixed information
  • coordinate important processes (such as financial transactions)
  • each can view and share data
  • no central administrator managing the data.
  • All data and transactions are shared across the network participants.
  • more efficient and secure
  • creates and stores a long, unalterable paper trail — minus the actual paper

Do you understand and agree with the "why" behind each of these attributes?

"two important implications for how blockchain could affect the health care market – improved interoperability and more consumer control of their health information."

Could these implications affect the learning market? - how? What positive or negative implications could exist for the provider or consumer of learning?

2017 Massachusetts Selects Two MCOs, Moving Selected Medicaid Population...

What does it mean to be a nonprofit? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nonprofit_organization

What is the impact of the business model of a nonprofit to the way it operates?

Does the enterprise learning function operate as a nonprofit?

2018 Virtual Care Comes To Complex Consumers

"Conventional wisdom in the field has been that consumer-facing technology is not 'appropriate' for consumers with complex needs—particularly consumers with mental or cognitive disabilities. This conventional wisdom has driven policy and practice."

"... increase access to mental health care and to support and to promote early detection of mental health symptoms, or even predict the onset of mental illness"

What if the onset could be predicted and avoided?

We like this with automobiles - braking systems - which prevent accidents?

What other performance assurance technologies can you envision?

What is our role with these technologies? Is it waiting for someone else to create them? Teaching others to create them? Conceiving of them - and then deciding whether to build, buy or partner to assure their application?

2019 Using Technology To Personalize Consumer Care & Expand Access

We use technology to build and deliver content. How are we using it to:

  1. Improve the learner experience?
  2. Assure that the learner applies the content to their work processes?
  3. Assure that they achieve the desired results from the process?
  4. Learn from this so that we can improve the learning we offer?

2020 Growth Is A Mission Mandate

How might a for-profit mindset result in better outcomes? How might it hinder outcomes? What is the relationship between outcomes and profit?

2021 Strategy Without Execution = Roadmap But No Fuel

What fuels our success? What fuels the success of our clients?

What new fuels have we adopted? What has allowed to use existing fuels more effectively?

2022 The Multitasking/Productivity Fantasy

Why is multi-tasking perceived as a failure while multi-processing has seen dramatic performance results?

What is the difference between multi-tasking and multi-processing? What are the competencies?

2023 Kansas Rebids KanCare Medicaid & CHIP MCO Contracts

How do we determine the value of putting something out to bid?

How do we determine whether to respond to a bid request?

How might we collaborate to create better outcomes for all?

2024 The Two-Way Street

To what extent is the path to our mental well-being a result of our choices?

To what extent are we open to others having forcing us to take a path of their choice?

Is the easier path always the better path? How do we know? When? Who is accountable for knowing?


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