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2017 The Keys to Growing Millennial Leaders

Business Issue:  “... 52% of executives who plan to leave their organization in next five years are retiring...”

Open Minds Assertion:  “… future leaders will be those comfortable with uncertainty, innovation, and risk (see Moving Leadership From Complicated To Complex).”


Uncertainty, innovation and risk – “moving leadership from Complicated to Complex”

  • Is this an accurate description of the future?
  • Is it new?
  • How did we deal with this in the past?
  • How are we dealing with it now?
  • How will we deal with it in the future?

Open Minds suggests this for the future:

  • Mentor in a new way—“…provide realistic advice on how to succeed.”
  • Build a mutual understanding of value—“…links training and achievement to advancement”
  • Embrace technology—“...up-to-date… “mobile”… work remotely”
  • Create a sense of belonging—“,,, recognition for a job well done”
  • Check out the competition—‘... adopting a culture...”

2014 Washington Ban On Psychiatric ER Boarding May Have Longer Legs

"In this case, 'psychiatric boarding' occurs when a patient in psychiatric emergency remains in a hospital emergency department while waiting for admission to a psychiatric facility."

"The court found that when an individual is involuntarily detained for evaluation, stabilization, and treatment, the state’s Involuntarily Treatment Act requires that they be held in a certified evaluation and treatment facility, which is defined by state law, and is not an emergency department."

"...psychiatric boarding violates a patient’s basic right to 'receive such individual treatment as will give each of them a realistic opportunity to be cured or to improve his or her mental condition.'"

How do we manage someone whose performance has deteriorated to levels deemed below standards?

How soon was this detected?

What recovery rates do we experience?

2015 Winning The Business – Business Development In A Shifting Health &a...

"There are lots of new opportunities in a changing health and human service market and lots more competition. The question for most organizations is – how do we get the deal? How do we win the big contract with a health plan, a county agency, or a state Medicaid plan? Answering those questions is both art and science – the art and science of business development."

How do we prepare our internal teams on the "art and science of business development" to win funding or support for our internal projects? Are we using current approaches? What are those current approaches?

2016 The Value Challenge, Again

"In the era of value-based reimbursement, measuring the “cost” part of the equation has been easy, but measuring “value” has proven to be a bit trickier. I’m a big fan of ratings: I like Rotten Tomatoes for movies, Consumer Reports for washing machines, and TripAdvisor for restaurants. But I know that measurement statistics of all types can be fraught with challenges. To quote Mark Twain, “There are lies, damned lies, and statistics.”"

What are the current best practices of measuring value?

How have these evolved in your career?

What improvements are you working on?

2018 Virginia Medicaid Submits Waiver For Work Requirements, Monthly Pre...

".... impose work requirements on non-disabled adults; and low, sliding-scale premiums and cost sharing for some program participants. The state expanded Medicaid to adults with income up to 138% of the federal poverty level in June 2018 and coverage for this population begins January 2019. The work requirements....called The Creating Opportunities for Medicaid Participants to Achieve Self- Sufficiency (COMPASS), will require federal approval prior to taking effect. Virginia’s proposed “Training, Education, Employment and Opportunity Program” work requirement applies to non-disabled adults (ages 19 to . . ."

This is similar to "co-op" or internship programs. With evidence that housing and income level do have impact to health and recovery - what do you think are possible motivations of COMPASS?

What types of co-op and internship programs do we offer for entry level employees?

2019 Health Plans Invest In Consumer Engagement

Engagement, Experience, Development, Awareness - what do these have in common?

What do they lack?

2020 Knock, Knock: Who Is Answering Your Digital Front Door?

Which door is the most important door in your home? In your business?

What other doors do we need to watch? What happens via the back door, side door, basement door and closet door?

2021 Five Technologies To Boost Your Team’s Productivity

What technology does not exist (to your knowledge) that it it did - would boost your productivity?

If you were limited to one communication technology and had to pay $1 each time you used it (per addressee or participant) - what would it be? (phone, email, text, zoom, other?) What if it were free? or $10 per addressee or participant?

What does it cost someone to read an email?

2022 And The Digital Health Winner Is…

Who is the Digital Education Winner? Who are their clients? How are they doing?

2024 The Compensation Calculation

What is the impact of compensation to performance?

Why does one "volunteer" to be a mentor on a board of directors?

How would compensation change their performance?


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