iFive Alliances

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2014 Another Perspective On Psychiatric Boarding


Is it conceivable that workplace performance issues might be persistent as an employee moves from one company to another?

What is the impact to the individual as this persists? Is this a form of recidivism?

What innovations might allow an individual to receive feedback that enables them to increase self-awareness and therefore open the door to self-improvement? Are we hindered by fears of litigation? How might we work together to be fair, legal and effective?

2015 Comprehensivist Vs. Partialist

Are we at this decision point too?

Will we make a courageous decision by increasing accountability (comprehensivist?) or by becoming great as a specialist (partialist?)

What do you prefer?

2016 Innovation In Medicaid? The Key Is Analytics

What is our role in helping our companies and our industry make advances in analytics?

2017 Don’t Implement Tech In A Bubble: Consider Your Strategy

What technologies do we have in these three areas?

  1. AR/VR/ML
  2. IoT, Apps, xAPI, Adaptive
  3. LMS, CMS

2018 ‘Productizing’ Services For Competitive Success

Where have you seen or would you like to see "productizing" in our industry?

2019 Federal Court Ruling Clears The Way For Philadelphia Supervised Inj...

Does the stigma associated with poor performance prevent it from being acknowledged? or addressed effectively?

How do we help someone who is self-aware of poor performance - improve/change without stigma?

2020 The Executive Pay Question

What is the correlation between compensation and:

  1. Accountability (for what am I accountable and to whom)
  2. Responsibility (for what am I allowed to make decisions related to which I am accountable)
  3. Autonomy (to whom must I gain permission and what are the consequences if I do not)

2021 Caterpillar Or Butterfly

Could a caterpillar ever imagined it was going to be a butterfly? Does a butterfly have any regrets? How are we helping ourselves and others transform without any regrets? How might regrets be helpful?

2022 Building Bridges To Overcome The Children’s Mental Health Crisis

What do the bridges tell us about a city? How was it determined where to place the bridges?

What is our role in assuring that the bridges in our company are in the right places and functioning well?

2024 Nevada 988 Behavioral Services Contract Planned To Go To Carelon Be...

When do you trust your instincts? When do you trust the instincts of others?

When do you trust human behavior?

Whose instincts do you trust when it comes to human performance improvement?


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