Your Revenue Driver
2024 The Era of AI Diagnostics
2023 The Verdict On Correctional Health Services
2022 The Great Resignation Hasn’t Included CEOs
2021 What To Do About Your Workforce, Right Now
2020 K, So Where Does That Leave Us?
2019 3 Ways To Improve Your Bottom Line – By Improving Your Collections
2018 Innovation Success In Three Steps
2017 The Shifting Correctional Health Care Market
2016 Making Ethical Strategy Decisions
2015 Three Models For Structuring Your Organization For Innovation
2014 Virginia Medicaid To Move To Health Homes & Medicaid Expansion ...
2014 Virginia Medicaid To Move To Health Homes & Medicaid Expansion ...
How do we identify and assist employees with special learning needs? Is this even possible or desirable? Is it better to define performance standards and allow the employee to determine the best way to learn how to achieve them?
2015 Three Models For Structuring Your Organization For Innovation
Why is there such a focus on innovation? Do we really need innovation to be routine? Is taking initiative the same as innovating?
Are we structured to allow people and our organizations to "take initiative?" What is the result of taking initiative and failing?
2016 Making Ethical Strategy Decisions
"...five ethical models that thinkers in the West have used for centuries:"
Is ethical learning important, possible or desirable?
How could the above models help us create ethical learning?
What is missing?
2017 The Shifting Correctional Health Care Market
For years I have wondered if some people can get better healthcare in prison than they are able to access outside of prison.
Do we offer better training options to people whose performance is not meeting expectations than those who are meeting performance expectations?
Is there a stigma associated with poor performance? Is there a stigma associated with attending training?
2018 Innovation Success In Three Steps
I heard an expression today GCPE (Great concept poor execution.) How can we assure great execution?
Is there a fourth step?
4. Proving that 1, 2, and 3 are correlated?
Is there a fifth step?
5. Assuring that the 4th step is objectively determined?
Is there a sixth step?
2019 3 Ways To Improve Your Bottom Line – By Improving Your Collections
What are the three most important ways you can help your clients performance?
Would you be prepared to answer these three questions in a way that would improve their interest in working with you?
2020 K, So Where Does That Leave Us?
What is the shape of the learning curve for those we are helping to learn? Does every learner have a consistent shape to the curve? What impacts the shape of the curve? How do learners and providers learn how to adapt to assure the optimal shape for the learner?
How might we recognize and adapt to the potential that "optimal" might mean one thing to the learner and another to the provider?
2021 What To Do About Your Workforce, Right Now
Anecdotally we talk about the cost of doing something poorly or not at all. "An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure."
Is an ounce of training worth a pound of making up for the lack of training?
What does it cost to make up for ineffective training?
When and how do we know whether the training was effective?
2022 The Great Resignation Hasn’t Included CEOs
What is the career path for a CEO? What is the career path for a CLO? When did you realize you were on a career path?
2023 The Verdict On Correctional Health Services
What do you prefer - to be independent or to be dependent?
What are the risks associated with your preference?
Who will you choose to be dependent upon to minimize the risks?
2024 The Era of AI Diagnostics
What percentage of error is acceptable?
Does the importance of the matter - matter?
How important is it to correctly determine the cause of performance concerns?
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