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2014 A New (& Sometimes Uncomfortable) Combination – Children’s Serv...

"Child-serving organizations ....are increasingly dependent on Medicaid for financing. At the same time, the Medicaid system has been moving more to managed care models, while the financing for child welfare services has been moving to more performance-based contracting......Over the past few years, there has been a steady increase in Medicaid managed care– from 29.4% of the Medicaid population in 1995, to 74.2% in 2012. And that percentage looks to continue increasing."

How is the experience of hiring or being hired evolving within your company and department?

How do we measure the success of hiring?

What investments are we making to assure success?

How are these investments doing?

Are these investments expenses in one accounting period that provide benefits in a different accounting period?

2015 Was Our Service Worth The Money?

  1. "safe care;
  2. effective care;
  3. patient-centered (directed) care;
  4. timely care;
  5. efficient care; and
  6. equitable (non-discriminatory) care"

Which of these matter to us and our clients? What is "safe learning?"

What challenges exist to getting the answers we want to the following questions?

  1. Do learners think our service worth the money that they spent on it?
  2. Do learners think we “improve” the performance of that individual and company system?
  3. Can learners identify a reason why they needed the service that we provided?

2016 A Leader’s Success – The Right Strategy, Implemented

"There are many definitions of leadership, but I think, from an operational perspective, the role of the leader centers around the issue of strategy. The leader’s role is to assure that the organization and its team are “positioned and prepared” with the resources needed to fulfill its mission and objectives — the development of strategy, the organizational execution of strategy, and the continuous navigation of the external environment. To do this successfully, health and human service leaders need four key competencies:

  • Transformational leadership skills to facilitate organizational change
  • Transactional leadership skills to manage the organization’s execution of strategy
  • Meta-leadership skills to manage collaboration in the broader environment
  • Ethical leadership that respects the rights of others in that process"

The importance of our work is that while we must do these things for ourselves and our department - we must also do them for our enterprise - and perhaps our clients. The breadth of this importance has the potential to yield significant benefits.

What are the success measures of our work - for ourselves, our department, our company and our clients?

2017 Operationalize Your Connection Culture

"I have seen open meeting approaches fail because staff members, whether they are offered a platform or not, have already drawn their conclusions of what leadership wants. They do not trust their leaders and often fear the opportunity to 'speak their mind.'”

Is this an issue that is new? non-existent? immaterial?

What have you seen work to overcome this?

What have you seen that prevents our ability to overcome this?

2018 The ‘Melting’ Value Chain

"Recent mergers, acquisitions, and partnership have “melted” the previously clear lines between traditional stakeholder roles. And when things melt, you never know what shape they will take. The shift in the value chain means that many organizations need to rethink their market position in some very fundamental ways."

How has the value chain for your industry or service evolved from the day you started your current role (or career?)


Are you in a position to impact the future shape of the value chain?

Here is what healthcare has identified as some of the "why's"

  1. "The 'service delivery boundaries' of specialty care are disappearing
  2. The geographic boundaries of specialty care are becoming less relevant
  3. The changing consumer interface
  4. Health systems are embracing the entire value chain
  5. Health plan backward integration continues at a rapid clip"

So for us:

  1. Will AR/VR cause some learning service delivery boundaries to disappear?
  2. Has the internet already made geography less relevant
  3. Have mobile devices (or wearables) changed the way the learner wishes to interact with our services
  4. Are competitors (non-traditional) entering our space? (Why are Amazon, Google and Facebook so interested in AR/VR?)
  5. What does backward integration mean to you? (This might be the most important question)

2019 Walmart Opens New Comprehensive Primary Care Retail Clinic Called ‘...

Now available on Aisle 7 - Dental check-ups and on Aisle 12 - heart surgery and on Aisle 15 - Leadership Training....

Is there a retail model on the horizon for training? Those of us in the business of training seemed to have abandoned the retail model rather than getting great at it.

How about some training while waiting in the drive through line for your morning cup of coffee?

2020 The Path To Integration Depends On Where You Sit

What is the role of education in helping one avoid being trapped by their blindspots?

Who helps us assure that we are not being trapped by our blind spots?

2021 Stuck In The Middle?

What are the benefits of being in the middle? Where are we in the middle? Why do we lament? How might we maximize the value of being in the moddle?

2022 Health For The Homeless

What might change if we were to eliminate homelessness?

What might change ii we were to eliminate joblessness?

What might change if we were to eliminate lack of access to knowledge?

2023 Rethinking The Whole Person Care Team

Are we willing to consider whole person learning?

What is the business case to support this?

2024 Illinois Medicaid Releases RFP For 2026 D-SNP Plans

What makes something special?

What keeps it that way?

What challenges its status as special?


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