Your Revenue Driver
2024 The Tech Talent Challenge
2023 By The Numbers
2021 Medicaid: Can We Make Lemonade?
2020 Texas Expanding Community-Based Child Welfare To 27 Southern Counties
2019 How To Gain Scale – Without A Merger
2018 Market ‘Chaos’ Takes Planning & More Planning
2017 Collaboration, Connectivity & Complex Leadership
2016 Community-Based Providers In A Value-Based World
2015 Minimum Wage Rules For Home Care Workers Go Into Effect On November...
2014 Public Health = Population Health
“'....population health' as operationalized in the U.S. is specific to a population and limited to interventions within the reach of a defined system. Public health is included in population health (and the health systems that manage it) and extends beyond to the broader community and non-health care human service systems."
"...attacking the “whale” of public health... taking the small bite of the elephant that is “population health management”.... Dr. Evans’ presentation of his “five truisms of the public health approach”
So perhaps we think about IT Population Learning and IT Public Learning:
How can the "Population vs. Public" concept be adapted to help us increase the assurance of business outcomes that result from investments in learning?
2015 Minimum Wage Rules For Home Care Workers Go Into Effect On November...
" extend minimum wage and overtime protection to non-medical home care workers employed by home care provider organizations."
How could outcomes be increased if the learner was paid differently while in training than while performing their job?
What challenges might occur?
What assurances would you need to even consider this idea?
2016 Community-Based Providers In A Value-Based World
"While there are many challenges for community-based organizations (CBOs) in making this transition, I think the most fundamental challenge is developing a strategy to fund services that fulfill the organization’s mission and incorporate value-based reimbursement."
"The first step in this process is understanding what new service options exist."
"But great service alone is not enough – any new service line needs a new business model and .... sufficient volume for on-going sustainability."
2017 Collaboration, Connectivity & Complex Leadership
"...Key among these new leadership skills is the ability to collaborate – and not just with your executive team colleagues. Success in this market requires the ability to develop relationships beyond traditional organizational borders – with health plans, other provider organizations, referral sources, tech firms, banking organizations, educational institutions, staffing firms, and more. This is the stuff of meta-leadership (defined as the overarching leadership framework for strategically linking the efforts of different organizations)"
2018 Market ‘Chaos’ Takes Planning & More Planning
“In preparing for battle I have always found that plans are useless, but planning is indispensable” – Dwight D. Eisenhower
"Most executives realize that planning is critical for success. But, the question our team hears from most health and human service executives is, how do you plan with so much chaos in a market with so many unknowns? The short answer to that question is to use a best management practice model and plan on frequent revisions."
"The best practice model for strategic planning developed by the OPEN MINDS team has three phases—landscape analysis and strategy development, strategy implementation planning, and strategy execution."
2019 How To Gain Scale – Without A Merger
The primary reasons for forming an alliance are to expand reach or to increase value.
The decision regarding the type of alliance o develop is based on cost and control.
An essential component of an alliance is a written agreement - and even more important is trust.
How does one build and maintain trust?
2020 Texas Expanding Community-Based Child Welfare To 27 Southern Counties
What ideas do you have that you cannot act upon and yet you know would help someone else?
2021 Medicaid: Can We Make Lemonade?
What would we do if all of the learning development and delivery were outsourced?
What are the risks and rewards of the payer for professional development also being the provider?
2023 By The Numbers
How do we know we have the right numbers?
When do we know?
What factors determine whether the number are right?
2024 The Tech Talent Challenge
Why do we work?
Why do we get compensated to work?
Why is it a challenge to find people to do work?
What would it be like if it were not a challenge?
How many ways can you think of to reduce the challenge?
Which do you prefer as the worker, the one who hires, or the one who benefits from the work being done?
© 2025 Created by Paul Terlemezian.
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