iFive Alliances

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This will happen. Credit for Informal Learning in the Workplace is a good thing.

And then what?

My hope is that it results in ethics, relationship, trust, and accountability to be restored.

If an environment were characterized by these factors:

  1. Ethics - there is a purpose to the being beyond what can be quantified in time or money
  2. Relationship - there is something that can not be bought or sold that has the potential to outlast anything that could be bought or sold
  3. Trust -something that is so precious that our ethics and relationship will not allow it to perish
  4. Accountability

-----what would you call it?

Would you want to live or work in such an environment?

Would credit or credentials matter in this environment?

How would this environment be achieved? Sustained?

What would supersede it?

Views: 4

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