iFive Alliances

Your Revenue Driver

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 2015 'Collective Impact' Hits The Streets

What examples of collaborative funding have you experienced with learning?

2016 Connecticut Plans to close Training School & Regional Centers &...

What is the best way to determine whether to offer centralized or decentralized training services?

2017 The Power Of Bundled Rates

Where have you seen bundling rate create better outcomes with learning?

2018 Life Expectancy As Our Key Performance Indicator

What are the risks and benefits of using average length of employment as a measure of learning effectiveness?

2019 Do States Still Have Medicaid Behavioral Health Carve-Outs?

Under what situations might it make sense to carve out dollars from everyone's functional budget to pay for the training related to a specific non-functional employee subset?

2020 Becoming A ‘Preferred’ Health Plan Partner

As Parents we may choose where to purchase a residence based on the quality of the schools. How might we help company be the employer of choice or the provider of choice because of the training made available to employees or clients?

2021 CMS Renews Texas Medicaid Waiver For 10 Years, New Uncompensated Ca...

What does it cost to make a decision?

What does it cost to respond to a request for service?

How can we assure that multi-year agreements maximize value while optimizing cost?

2022 The Difference Between $185,000 & $7 Million

How do you determine what compensation is right for you?
How do you determine the prices for what you offer to your clients?

2023 The Exchange In Strategy

What are the risks and rewards of allowing debate?

What are the risks and rewards of not allowing debate?

How is debate useful (or not) when educating, learning, or performing?

2024 What Are The Right Financial Metrics?

Who are the stakeholders related to your work?

What are the financial metrics related to each of those stakeholders?

What is your role in understanding those metrics and optimizing them?

What do you want your role to be?


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