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2015 Learning From The Consumer Experience With Personal Health Data

What data do you need to do your job well that you would be willing to pay for?

(Please read further if you wish to have further insight)

The data related to our personal health as well as our personal knowledge has traditionally been "owned" by someone else and unavailable to us without cost or effort. This may have been defended based on privacy and security concerns as well as arming us with information that we might not know how to use or that we might use in a "bad" way.

Approaching data for the purpose of bringing value to the consumer independent of our value add as a vendor is the right mindset - but funding is the issue - and then the issue becomes trust. The rise and demise of InBloom in the education world is a lesson to be learned from.

We already have too much data for humans to apply and we are just beginning to collect data - never mind actually understand it. The path we are on is similar to what we have seen with GPS technology. Our decisions will be supported by technology that can assimilate more data faster than we can - and then combined with our "in the moment" judgment we apply the electronic suggestion to "turn right" with our eyesight that reveals a child chasing a ball about to cross our path to the right.

2016 Primary Care Goes Virtual & On-Demand

What recommendations would you make to the healthcare industry based on what our industry has learned from our experience with virtual delivery of services?

(Please read further if you wish to have further insight)

The training industry learned many years ago that there are significant cost savings to the use of virtual and On-Demand models - the debate continues about whether it is better. What we have learned and now that healthcare is involved the following may get the attention they deserve:

1. Some care (or learning) delivered virtually is better than no care (learning) at all

2. For the motivated patient (learner) the convenience of 24 hour access to care (learning) is extremely beneficial

3, The ability to review (play back) the visit is useful to aid retention and accuracy of the information (whether healthcare or learning)

4. The ability to cost-effectively assemble remote teams to collaborate on healthcare (learning) is much more realistic

5. As technology advances via mobile/wearable devices we can narrow the gap between the time that the healthcare (learning) is needed and to when it is received. In the training world we call this "Learning at the Moment of Need" - thanks to Mosher and Gottfredson - perhaps with healthcare we can now consider Healthcare at the moment of need that may not necessarily involve 911 and/or ambulances! 

2017 A ‘Perfect Storm’ For Telemental Health

Have we achieved the "perfect storm" for virtual learning? Where is the strongest resistance?

2018 Housing Initiatives Multiply, But What Is The Big Picture?

What advances can we prove we have made to assure that the learner effectively applies on the job more of what was learned while in training?

Or - is this not necessary because we have universally achieved the optimal point?

2019 UnitedHealthcare Expands Initiative To Use Diagnostic Codes To Capt...

What advances have you seen or would you like to see that would help us address the social determinants of learning and performance?

2020 For Success With The I/DD Population, Employment Matters

What level of responsibility do we have to the employee and their family to correctly identify and address factors that allow an employee to remain employed?

2021 The Technology Triple Whammy

What has been the impact of technology (e.g. YouTube, Google, e-learning) to the:

  1. Access to content by learners
  2. Expectations of payers (Governments, Employers, Individuals) - (I.e. what they are willing to pay for)
  3. Expected price points

2022 The Choppy Road To Better Value

Innovations apply pressure on us to challenge what "we have always done." How might we assure our focus on outcomes for the learner while understanding our needs for self-preservation?

This resource offers a model - https://www.shatterproof.org/shatterproof-national-principles-care

2023 Preparing For The Health Plan Shift

When is it the right time to prepare for a shift in strategy?

How do we "objectively" know the time is right?

Is "objectivity" a requirement to be "right?"

2024 Florida Medicaid Selects Florida Community Care To Pilot Comprehens...

How well do you follow rules?

How well do you understand why the rules exist?

How well are your ideas to adapt rules accepted?

How well do you respond to those who wish to adapt rules established by you?


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