iFive Alliances

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2015 The Goal: Be A Golden Brand

"With Google’s recent data showing that a healthcare organization’s brand is the biggest factor in a consumer decision-making, the race is on for executive teams to achieve the holy grail of marketing… building a golden brand."

"It’s not your logo, it’s not your look. It’s not what you say you are, it’s what your consumers think you are. And a “Golden Brand” is one for which target market customers believe in and trust to such a high degree – they feel there is no substitute (think Apple, Southwest, Amazon, etc.)."

  1. Assess Your Brand
  2. Develop Your Brand Identity
  3. Differentiate Yourself
  4. Become An Innovative Brand Through Creativity 
  5. Validate Your Brand Strategy

2016 Collaborative Tech Problem Solving – The Power Of Numbers

"Executive teams.... are tasked with a few primary responsibilities –

  • setting a winning strategy,
  • keeping the organization on track to meet the goals of the organization, and
  • overcoming the many challenges of operating in a field that is, more than ever, defined by change.

But what if your executive team runs up against a problem that is beyond the scope of its expertise? One answer is to tap into the large reservoir of knowledge available in the wider organization beyond the executive suite.

  1. Choose the approach that’s going to give you the best answer
  2. Be aware of the risks of “analysis paralysis”
  3. Understand the parameters of the crowd
  4. Designate a leader with final decision making authority

2017 Florida Releases Medicaid Managed Care Rebid

What are best practices related to a comprehensive review of an internal organization?

How can it be done while continuing to operate?

How can it be done without destroying morale?

Could it be done in a manner analogous to our annual "physical?"

2019 Two Approaches To Bring Quality To I/DD Services

"What some organizations don’t realize is that managed care goes beyond the implementation of health plans and begins to fundamentally change the way care is delivered. A parallel issue that often receives heightened scrutiny with the move to managed care is how to assure quality care for consumers financed under the model."

Plan - Do - Study - Act ("Wheel")  - a useful visual

Basic Assurances - (What can we assure?)

2020 ‘Leaning In’ To Medicare: Social Needs Opportunities

How might we "lean into" being limited on what we can do, how we can do it, and how much we get paid for doing it?

2021 The Conservatorship Issue: More Conflict For Consumers With Disabil...

What restrictions are being placed on us that are preventing us from accomplishing more? What restrictions are we placing on others?

2022 To Be Perfect, Change Often

What causes better outcomes - being perfect or trying to be perfect?

What does either mean? How are we assuring better outcomes?

2023 Florida To Pilot Medicaid Managed Care For Individuals With I/DD In...

What are the costs associated with failure?

What are the costs associated with assuring that failure does not occur?

What are the costs associated with making a failure appear to be a success?

2024 The Loneliness Of Leadership

Really? Why? Is this mandatory, a choice, or a myth?

What do you want it to be?


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