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Gartner's 'Business Process Competency Center' Needs Updating!

In 2007, Gartner wrote about how companies should start up Business Process Competency Centers (BPCC) or Centers of Excellence (CoE).

They told us that the BPCC acts as an internal consultancy and offers a “one-stop-shop” providing services to multiple business process management (BPM) initiatives that enable the enterprise to progress with BPM efforts overall. This paper gives practical guidance on how to gain adoption within your organization and deliver tangible results….. EXCELLENT.


Where is there any mention of the CUSTOMER?????

No don’t get me wrong I love Gartner. I’ve loved sitting in roundtable discussions with their best minds, I loved their insightful magic quadrants and I loved them even more when they were telling our customers how great we were.

I suppose I’m holding them up as an example showing how we often think about change without thinking about the people or the entities who are really being affected, specifically, those outside the organization, specifically THE CUSTOMER.

Now for any of you who know me and know what, my company, Complectus is all about, you know we help companies set up this type of BPCC or CoE, but we focus on accelerating revenue and, specifically, on the customer.

One of the roles of the sales organization is to give us feedback from the customer on how we’re doing…. go ahead and ask them what the customer would think if you changed, oh I don’t know….. for example….. changed/moved service delivery to India. Yes, you had great reasons for doing this, it would save a lot of money, you would get a huge pat on the back from the President and the stock holders stand up and applaud you. But it’s the sales person who gets that call as to why Mr. Patel answered the phone and he certainly wasn’t in Kansas anymore, Dorothy.

I take it to the extreme, but you get my point.

Changes in operational procedures and business processes are necessary for many reasons, nowadays, mostly cost cutting. Gartner’s methodology is clear, creating a BPCC requires a concerted effort….. just make sure that effort includes input from the customer directly or via the sales organization.

If you are making operational changes please ensure you have a liaison for the sales organization and the customer on the action committee.

If you’re setting up a Business Process Competency Center to assist with Business Process Management initiatives, I’d like to hear from you. I can guarantee that you will accelerate your top line growth while addressing your bottom line numbers. And, just for the hell of it, we will improve your customer satisfaction numbers while we’re at it!

I look forward to hearing from you, thanks for your time!


Claire Broome

President & Chief Sales Enabler

Complectus Consulting, LLC

Tel: 404-556-7023


--Your Revenue Accelerator—

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Comment by Terena Campagna on March 27, 2010 at 8:03am
Hi Claire, great point about getting direct customer feedback BEFORE Dorothy is swept away. :)

Have you used or implemented real-time voice of customer (VOC) or full-loop feedback systems? Or If not a system, a defined process?

I'm obsessed with VOC and would love to hear any tid bits about your experience as related to challenges in a sales organization.


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