iFive Alliances

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2015 What’s Happening In Reentry Contracting?

Is it possible that an employee will habitually fail to perform? This is not likely within a company since we are not likely to transfer an under-performer or rehire them. What can be done to reduce the likelihood of future failure for the employee with a future employer?

2016 Care Coordination – Fixing Those ‘Silos’ That Cause Readmissions

What challenges do we have that are easy to identify and yet hard to accomplish?

What might it take to do something different regarding this "stalemate?"

2017 Supreme Court Decision Changes Standard Of IDEA-Compliant Special E...

When building an IEP - Individualized Education Program - do we conform the individual to existing resources or do we find/develop services to meet the needs of the individual. If the latter - what challenges exist related to the social determinants of learning?

2018 Opioid Addiction By The Numbers

What habitual behaviors in the workplace are causing severe economic impact? What assumptions related to improving the desired outcome are we unwilling to challenge/change? Are we willing to apply a "Blue-Ocean" mindset?

2019 Overcoming The Virtual Health Paradox

How has our investment in elearning been motivated by improved outcomes vs. reduced costs?

Where have we seen higher costs (when comparing elearning to other forms of learning) being justified by improved outcomes?

2020 Ready Or Not, Going Virtual

What are we "always planning to do" and yet not do?

2021 The 2021 “Next Normal” Forecast: Four Key Questions

What are the key questions you ask yourself every day? Here are four that I thought of recently:

  1. What are the ethics
  2. What is the impact to competitiveness
  3. How will this impact economics
  4. What legal considerations are important

2022 The Payvider Market Map

Who is being paid to assure your success at no cost to you?

Are you being paid to assure the success of others at no cost to them?

Does it matter who pays? (to you or to them?)

2024 The Medicaid RFP Cycle

What is the most efficient performance review cycle? Periodic, Random, Continuous?

What is the most effective?

Is it possible to do too much too well? (i.e. Is it ever possible to have too much of a good thing?) -Why or why not?


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