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Replies to This Discussion

2015 Is Sheltering Foster Youth Akin To Incarceration?

How are we sure that we understand the causes of poor performance of an individual?

2017 Understanding The Medicaid Behavioral Health Carve-Out Map – Step O...

How important is trust to the success of performance improvement investments? How do we assure trustworthiness?

2018 Integration—Strategic Threat (& Opportunity) For Specialists

How might we be more accommodating to learner preference?

2019 Will Changes In Stark Law Speed Up Value-Based Reimbursement?

What conflicts of interest might occur within the current business model for education?

What changes might minimize the potential conflict while increasing the quality outcomes?

2020 Leaders Need To Pivot To Survive – Some Resources To Make That Pivo...

Where would you like to see learning pivot from excuses to execution?

2021 Tricare To Expand Comprehensive Autism Care Demonstration Program

How do we prepare those who impact the learner to work with in a manner consistent with the new skills being acquired by the learner?

2022 Make Your Innovation Incremental

What learning models have you used

2023 Going Hybrid—It’s The People

What might education understand by learning from the consumer acceptance of telehealth?

2024 Consumer Experience As Growth Strategy

What is the difference between being educated, learning, and performing?

Which of these is easiest to do well?

Which do you were were easier to do well?


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