Your Revenue Driver
2024 Consumer Engagement As Competitive Advantage
2023 Health Plan Multi-tasking
2022 The Investment Is Not Working
2021 Does Your Leadership Team Need Ballet Dancers?
2019 IDEA Services—An Update, An Opportunity
2018 Fundraising To Fill The Budget Gap
2017 Marketing Is Strategy In Action
2016 ‘Winning The Game’
2015 How Do The Feds Evaluate Title IV-E Funding – & Who Is Doing It?
2015 How Do The Feds Evaluate Title IV-E Funding – & Who Is Doing It?
Our ethics are likely to require that we find a way to help those who cannot help themselves?
How do we determine when to apply this?
2017 Marketing Is Strategy In Action
How might our marketing success produce better outcomes for our clients?
2018 Fundraising To Fill The Budget Gap
What portion of your expense need would you be allowed to create from external sources? What amount would you be willing to create externally?
2019 IDEA Services—An Update, An Opportunity
How do we assure that special funds are used for special needs? What is the risk of not assuring? What other business models have you explored to assure the effective use of the funds you generate?
How have you learned to challenge your own thinking?
2021 Does Your Leadership Team Need Ballet Dancers?
What models have you used that allow you to design a solution that can be adapted by the learner - at the moment of need?
2022 The Investment Is Not Working
What are the implications of changing direction? How do we know it is time to do so?
2023 Health Plan Multi-tasking
What does it cost to have choices? What do we gain from having our choices limited? How does having a choice save cost? How do we benefit from limiting our choices? How do we learn to optimize choice for ourselves?
2024 Consumer Engagement As Competitive Advantage
What do you prefer: Reading, watching, or having a conversation?
What do you prefer - prerecorded or live information?
What is your primary means of interacting with your consumers?
© 2025 Created by Paul Terlemezian. Powered by