iFive Alliances

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2014 Proactive Wellness Or Creepy?

What types of data might L&D wish we had in order to ensure learning outcomes? Would access to this data be beneficial or creepy?

2015 The Award Goes To? The Largest 2015 Contract Awards From The OPEN M...

"... posted over $20 billion worth of request-for-proposals (RFPs) for health and human services in our government contract database (see Who’s Bidding On What? 2015’s Most Read RFPs From The OPEN MINDS RFP Database). Who were the big award winners? .... These opportunities provide an interesting look at what government agencies are buying – and who is winning. "

  • Would data about what training contracts are being awarded and to whom be of value to our industry?
  • Who would benefit from this?
  • Who would not benefit from this?

2016 Why Branding As Strategy Matters More

Does our Industry have a "brand?" - Yes - is it what we want it to be?

Does your department have a "brand?"

2017 Technology Makes ‘Lifetime Learning’ A Leadership Must

How will technology transform the role of L&D?

Will we ever use technology for more than measuring and delivering what we do?

2018 Does Your Organization Have The Right Leader?

  1. Is the leader “brave” (confident) enough to ask those tough questions?
  2. Do members of the organization feel safe (comfortable) to give their honest opinions?
  3. Does the leader think that they already know the answers—and therefore there is no need to ask?
  4. Will the leader actually make the needed changes? Or blow off the feedback?

How would you answer these questions about yourself?

What are the tough questions?

2019 Arizona DCS Issues RFP For Integrated Medicaid ASO For Children In ...

What checks and balances are desirable when there is only one source (either internal or external) for services?

2020 How Much, & How, Should You Spend On Marketing Right Now?

If you could not spend anything on marketing or if you stopped spending on marketing - what would you do with those dollars instead? If no one marketed to you - how would you find what you needed? Would you know you needed it?

2021 Going Hybrid? Charge Your EVV

What are the best reasons for not going hybrid with learning?

2022 Finding Excellence

What is the cost of excellence? How can we be assured it is worth the cost? How can we achieve excellence and reduce cost? Would we accept the best solution if it were marketed as the lowest cost solution? Would we pay more for an inferior solution if it were more readily available?

2023 De-risking Digital

What are the risks associated with going Digital?

What happens if we go Digital too soon?

2024 Seven More States Approved For Medicaid Corrections Reentry Services

What are we doing to assure that someone who leaves the company due to missed performance expectations does not have the same challenge in the next role?

What are the risks of attempting to help? What are the rewards?

What would you want for yourself? What would you want for someone you hired?


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