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2017 The Big Medicaid Spend on the 65+ Population

While physical health conditions may be unavoidable as one ages I wonder if behavioral health conditions can be reduced?

As a side note - might an older worker - while continuing to pay social security taxes also be healthier and bring more funds to Medicare and Social Security?

Is it worth incentivizing older workers to stay employed longer - perhaps in new careers?

2015 The Community Reentry Mess – What Works?

What results do we have with helping people reenter the workforce after:

  • Serving in the military
  • Lengthy illness
  • Extended periods of unemployment
  • Shifting focus of life or career

How can we assure that we are helping people get jobs and sustained careers (if that is what they want?)

2016 The Five-Step Process To Demonstrate Your “Performance” To Health P...

Here is the Process - how would you adapt this?:

  1. Select a topic that is critical for the ..."organizational" need that your organization can provide?
  2. be sure that the interventions are based on strong .... evidence
  3. ...you will need a “learning” implementation with ongoing feedback, barrier identification, and measurement
  4. Re-measure to determine effectiveness
  5. Modify interventions to address barriers and drive improvement

I can imagine that we are already doing this. Am I correct?

  • Are all 5 steps funded across the life-span of the intervention?
  • Who is accountable for the outcome?
  • How are new leaders of the implementation/adaptation transitioned in (or previous leaders transitioned out?)

2018 Health Homes, Specialty Health Plans, CCBHCs. Oh My!

Healthcare is changing it's business model to meet complex challenges. How has L&D changed its business model?

Here are some of the questions associated with changing a business model:

  • What role should the organization take - What services, geography, financial risk, consumer type, etc.?
  • What is the investment required for program design, reporting, and operation infrastructure for these initiatives?
  • Will these initiatives “break even”? If not, how long and how much of a financial subsidy is required?
  • If the initiative requires either start-up capital or longer-term financial support, can the organization financially afford to participate?
  • From a strategic perspective, can the organization afford not to participate in each initiative? What if the model diverts consumers from the organizations’ current service lines and decreases revenue in the short-term? What if the model becomes the dominant delivery system model?

2019 Start Small. Think Big. Target Strategically.

Last year I attended a "Supply Chain" conference and one of the speakers attendees to:

Think Big, Start Small, Decide Quickly

The title for today and advice from the speaker - are similar - and are easy to embrace. Both may also be "easy to say and hard to do."

What experience do you have or can you offer to help learning leaders:

Think Big

Start Small

Decide (Target) Quickly (Strategically)

The ALO tool (Continuous (or Continual?) Improvement - Crawl, Walk, Run, Drive, Fly, Orbit) may be applied in way that does the above - simultaneously.

2020 Five Steps On The Road To Recovery

How much does failure impact our mindset? How do we avoid being trapped by this mindset -while being protected by it?

2021 Indiana Rebidding Medicaid Hoosier Healthwise & Healthy Indiana...

How does the bidding process assure that value is created for everyone throughout the process?

2022 The Gen Z Issue

Do you recall what your issues were when you were in the "Gen Z" age range?

What issues do we face that are based on the behaviors of others?

2023 Inclusivity As Talent Strategy

What might it mean to consider Talent as an Inclusivity Strategy?

Initially we were told that Inclusivity was the goal from a human perspective - I agreed.

Then we celebrated when we connected Inclusivity to business goals - I got nervous.

My fear remains that "Inclusivity" might masquerade for the benefit of the business.

Who might we exclude from our desire to engage in inclusive communities if our goals are primarily human or primarily business?

How might we understand what we perceive in others and own for ourselves. Might that understanding be a desirable talent?

2024 The Only Thing For Sure Is That Things Change

The only person we can change for sure is ourselves - and yet it seems that we spend more time and money trying to change others - does that sound right?

What would it be like ff we stopped trying to change others and let them change themselves?.


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