iFive Alliances

Your Revenue Driver

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Replies to This Discussion

2015 When The Competition Succeeds At Pay-For-Performance, What Will You...

How important to us is what our competitors are doing?
Who are our competitors?

Do we learn from them? restrict them? ignore them?

2016 How Do We Include Addiction In Care Coordination?

What persistent behaviors do we accurately diagnose and respond to with our learning services?

2017 The Tech Checklist For Value-Based Contracting Success

How has your decision approach regarding technology changed throughout your career? Why?

2018 The Nuts & Bolts Of Making A Health Home Sustainable

How do we assure employee success?

What are the components of employee success?

2019 Getting To Scale Without Mergers

Why do we scale?

What alternatives to scale have we considered?

Do any of these alternatives provide more desirable outcomes for our clients?

2020 Back To The Office? The Testing Dilemma

Why do we work in offices?

2021 UnitedHealthcare Launches Community Catalyst Initiative To Address ...

What innovations in performance diagnosis, remedy, cure, and assurance have you experienced?

2022 Turning The CFO Role Upside Down

What might it mean to turn the CLO role upside down? If every employee, customer, partner, stakeholder had access to the knowledge they needed - what would be left for the CLO to do?

Who makes sure that this access is sufficient? Who decides what to do if it is not sufficient?

2023 The Fork In The Road

Why are there forks in the road?

What is the best way to choose the way forward?

How is this reflected in the way we teach and the way we learn?

2024 Leveraging The CCBHC Model

How have you changed the way you offer services?

How have you changed the way you consume services?


What is the next change that you anticipate,desire, or fear?


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