iFive Alliances

Your Revenue Driver

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2015 Do Your Services “Work”?

How do we know? Who decides? When?

How important is the "when?" How are we making improvements regarding our ability to answer these questions?

2016 The IRS Turns Its Attention To ACOs

What IRS changes would you support that are related to professional development and that would support economic development?

2017 Colorado RFP For Integrated Regional Accountable Entities Released

What benefits might accrue by making training investment decisions on a regional basis?

2018 Déjà Vu, Anyone?

Where does our industry experience and sustain deja vu - in a positive manner? in a manner that is not positive?

2019 The Most Common Program Innovations Among Specialty Provider Organi...

What is the purpose of innovation?

What is the role of corporate L&D with innovation?

2020 M&A In Post-Crisis Recovery Strategy—Why, How & When?

What aspect of our work is one crisis away from being diminished? What aspect might be accelerated by a crisis?

2021 Keeping Your “High Performers” From Burnout

What aspect of your life will never reach "burnout?:

2022 The Management Steeplechase

What are the most enjoyable aspects of a steeplechase? - for the rider, the horse, the observer?

2023 Ohio To Expand PACE To Six New Counties

Where is our industry expanding?

2024 The Foster Care Shift

How are your decisions influenced by the cost of implementation?

How are your decisions influenced by who pays the cost?

What are the pros and cons of the various relationships between decisions and payer?


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