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2015 Where Will We See Medicaid Health Homes Next?

How strongly will an individual be able to perform if there environment (e.g. immediate manager, support services, brand awareness) is not as effective as desired? How do we determine how much of the performance gap is out of the control of the individual. Is it worth measuring or watching? What can be done about it?

2016 Finding The New Opportunities With Health Plans

What new opportunities exist for our "Learning" strategies?

2017 From Specialist To Full-Service Health: A Transmogrification

What changes have you seen during your career in the emphasis of the corporate learning function?

2018 Want New Health Plan Contract Opportunities? Think New Marketing Model

How would you describe your current marketing model?

2019 CFOs On The VBR Path

What would motivate you to accept or resist a VBR model for learning?

2020 The Changing Medicaid Health Home Market

What checks and balances do we have to assure that employees receive the professional development that they require in order to be successful?

2021 How Much Longer To The Next Normal? An Update On COVID Vaccines

Would our jobs be easier if all we had to do was to vaccinate the learner?

Is it possible (or desirable) to be "vaccinated" to do your job?

Is it possible to build a course that works for every learner - every time?

2022 Iowa Rebids Medicaid Managed Care Contracts

What percentage of incumbents would re-apply for their current job if they had a choice?

What percentage would be re-hired?

2023 The Medicaid Managed Care Shift

What makes the most difference when considering the success of an investment in learning?

  • How well the course was designed
  • How well the courses was delivered
  • How will the participant learned
  • How well the participant applied the learning
  • How well the application achieved the learner's needed (vs. expected or desired) outcomes
  • How all the above were managed and integrated

Who is responsible for each of these? Who is responsible for the one that is the most important?

2024 The Burnout Checklist

How do we avoid succumbing to victim mentality?

What are you more likely to believe  - an article that states people love their work or an article that states that people are dealing with burnout?

How do we make it "popular" to enjoy working?

2025 Making The Big Decisions

What are the biggest decisions you have made in your life?

What are the biggest decisions yet to be made?

How many of those decisions were influenced by economics?

Would all of them have been better decisions if economics did not matter?


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