iFive Alliances

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2014 Is Housing Health Care?

How much cost is added to delivery of services because we are trying to discourage or avoid abuse?

2015 The ‘Baby HIPAA’ Conundrum

What are the reasons we have privacy on matters related to healthcare?

What would be the outcome of omitting privacy related to learning?

2016 Are Dual Eligibles Your Next Market Opportunity?

What models have proven to be effective when focused on performance outcomes?

2017 The Incidence Of Dementia On The Rise – Will The Preferred Treatmen...

What would be the impact of "brain training" to learning effectiveness of the general population?

Beyond knowledge itself - are there activities that can be applied that increase the brain's ability to absorb, retain and apply new information? Would this be the equivalent of working out in the gym to assure our body's fitness?

Where do we "work out" to assure the mind's fitness?

2018 New York To Implement Managed Care For People Receiving I/DD Services

What services do we offer to people needing to improve their performance? Are these services comprehensive or focused on a small subset of the person's needs? What is our success rate?

2019 A Holistic Approach With The I/DD Population Pays Off

What is "the right thing" when it comes to providing services to those whose performance is not meeting expectations?

2020 Technology For The Next Normal—Your EHR Plus What?

What changes more quickly - the technology choices available to us? or...The business/personal reasons to consider a change in technology?

What are the benefits of avoiding technology - or at least avoiding changes in technology? What are the risks?

2021 Using Clinical Debriefing To Counter Staff Burnout

How have you prevented yourself from being burned out?

When you were unable to prevent it yourself - how did it go away?

What do you believe would have helped it go away sooner?

2022 It Takes A Pilot

How many experiments does it take to find a repeatable solution?

How are these experiments funded?

How are reputations maintained despite the failed experiments?

What might cause the elimination of experiments?

2024 Workforce Success = Tech

How has technology made you healthier, wealthier, or wiser?

What did it cost to do so?

Who paid the cost?

Who got the benefit?


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