iFive Alliances

Your Revenue Driver

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2015 29 States Increased Mental Health Budgets in 2014

How do we reward the spending that fixed a problem?

How do we avoid rewarding the spending that sustains a problem?

2016 Is Your Team Forward Thinking?

What thinking model helps assure you that you are "forward thinking?"

2017 Complex Needs = Complex Care Management For Children In Foster Care

The significant changes in healthcare being driven by the changing business model is important to understand. Are we driven by our business model or by the results of our services? How would you like your doctor or professor or auto mechanic to answer this question?

How would our clients want us to answer this question?

2018 More & Larger Health Care Databases Mean More Data Security Con...

Why do we "hide" learning and performance information related to individuals in the workplace?

2019 Putting Performance Into Compensation

How might we benefit from compensating our staff based on learner outcomes vs. quantity of service delivered?

2020 The OPEN MINDS VBR Primer: The Most Popular VBR Resources

How will our industry respond to VBR? How will you respond? What would cause you to be a leader of a movement towards or away from VBR? Would you prefer to be on the sidelines - watching?

2021 Shifting EAP Field, Shifting Opportunities

What might an ELP look like? An ELP would allow an employee to gain access to learning of their choice. While the confidentially is essential the data would be quite useful.

What uses of the anonymous data might you imagine?

2022 Margin Today, Margin Tomorrow?

How is margin created?

Are we truly creating it - or just shifting it?

How are we assuring margin creation for ourselves and our clients?

2023 Don’t Be Surprised By The “No Surprises Act”

What "surprises" have angered you in the past? Why? Was it intentional by the one who surprised you?

How might we be unintentionally providing "surprises" that anger our clients? How would we know?

2024 Performance Leads The Pack: The Most Read 2023 OPEN MINDS Reports

Where do we spend our time and money as providers - on educating, learning, or performing?

Where do our clients place the most value?

Where do we connect our effort to the value?

2025 The Ratings Game

Is it possible for everyone to be good?

Is it possible for everyone to be the best?

Is it possible to determine who is better than someone else?

What are the risks and rewards of evaluating the performance of another?

How can we objectively evaluate our own performance?


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