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2025 White House Rescinds Memo Ordering Pause On Federal Payments
2024 An article was not received on 2/2/24
2023 How Will Psychedelics Change The Landscape?
2022 Making The “Social” Actually Happen In Whole Person Care
2021 Developing New Revenue Is Top Of Mind: Most Popular 2020 OPEN MINDS...
2020 District Of Columbia Releases Medicaid Managed Care RFP
2019 The Formula For Success In Long-Term Services & Supports
2018 The Emerging Medicaid Specialty Health Plan Market
2017 Understanding Consumer Pharmacy Benefits Is Key To Integrated Care ...
2016 Another Look At Consumer Sovereignty
As patients (or as someone wishing to not become a patient) we want the health field to focus on our needs - which I suggest are:
1. Reducing the potential to become unhealthy
2. Fixing us when we do get unhealthy
3. Doing so in a manner that creates as little stress (time, money, anxiety, pain, side-effects) as possible
So analogously as learners/workers what do we want from the training industry?
1. Reducing the potential to become unemployable
2. Fixing us when we do get unemployable
3. Doing so in a manner that creates as little stress as possible
Here is a teaser to encourage you to read the article to learn about creating a customer centric approach:
Define it
Disseminate it
Deploy it
Demonstrate it
Defend it
Delight in it!
2015 The ‘Non-Medicaid’ Medicaid Expansion
Leadership is multi-dimensional..... directive, collaborative, intuitive, analytic ...? And leadership is situational based perhaps on the amount of time, relative importance and experience.
We may learn leadership as we experience it and as we apply it. Yet - circumstances and expectations are not constant. And our memories might be selective in terms of what we actually did and what the impact may have been.
What is one characteristic of being an effective leader that you have learned brings the best results for you as a leader?
2017 Understanding Consumer Pharmacy Benefits Is Key To Integrated Care ...
Our industry does not have to deal with this yet.
For now - let's consider technology. Is there any proof that access to technology creates better performance than no access to technology?
And if we broaden the definition to technology associated with transportation, vision, hearing, food preparation - does the answer change?
If the answer is yes or probably - then who decides (and who is accountable) for the technology decisions that impact the performance of your employees and clients?
2018 The Emerging Medicaid Specialty Health Plan Market
As specialty markets evolve to care for those with special needs - there is a need to manage costs because of the complexity and level of service usage. How can costs be managed without diminishing services? What new value might be created that could expand the market?
Might we learn enough about prevention that would be of value to others?
How might this apply to learning? If we have programs for people with special leaning needs - what could possibly emerge that would be of interest to a larger population?
2019 The Formula For Success In Long-Term Services & Supports
We have typically fragmented our approach to professional development and then blamed the employer for results that we do not like.
Is it possible to have a whole person focus?
How might technology assure our success?
What types of partnerships will we need?
How will the adaptability of those partnerships be assured?
2020 District Of Columbia Releases Medicaid Managed Care RFP
What would be the ideal RFP process - one that meets needs of provider and procurer?
2021 Developing New Revenue Is Top Of Mind: Most Popular 2020 OPEN MINDS...
What new service type would you be want to have available to you?
What new service type are you offering?
How are new service types conceived?
2022 Making The “Social” Actually Happen In Whole Person Care
Is more expensive always better?
Is faster always better?
Is better the same for everyone?
How are we assuring "better?"
2023 How Will Psychedelics Change The Landscape?
What do you want them to change the change the Landscape?
How do you believe they will?
What fears do you have?
Who can help you address these fears?
What are you going to do next regarding this topic?
2025 White House Rescinds Memo Ordering Pause On Federal Payments
What is the process you use to make difficult decisions quickly?
What determines whether a quick decision is needed?
How do you determine whether the decision to decide quickly was effective?
Have you ever played Kriegspiel?
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