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2015 Choices in the World of the Gig Worker

How does an organization balance the need to utilize its fixed cost resources (e.g. labor and facilities) when there are better choices for their customer? I am surprised by how many dentists work 3 and a half day. Are those facilities not able to be used on Thursday afternoon or Friday? Might a contingent dentist use the facility on those day?

In the training world we are at risk when we cancel an open enrollment class due to low enrollments. We justify this based on the fixed costs associated with delivering the class (or "flying the plane.") What is the cost of the cancellation to the prospective attendees whose increased productivity has been delayed?

What if a contingent worker was willing to teach the class for a variable fee based on the number of attendees?

2016 Pay-For-Value in Action

When I think of services in other industries like home warranty services there is an "intake" process that determines the likelihood and desirability of the provider being able to deliver the services and meet the expectation of their client.

Have we traveled too far down the road to expect the learner to have responsibility for being a "compliant" learner in order to benefit from "pay for value?"

2017 'Transparency' Coming to Clinical Notes

What outcome would you desire if we were to have transparency regarding what we know regarding the performance of learners in the programs we offer to them? What would assure the objectivity/accuracy of what we "know?"

2018 How do You Engage Employees & Improve Performance

Which of these do your employees impact? employee engagement, customer satisfaction, and cash flow.

How are they engaged to assure that their impact is positive?

2019 FDA Advisory Panel Recommends Approval of Esketamine Nasal Spray fo...

We seem to be willing to extend quite far with the use of medicine (chemicals) related to physical and perhaps mental health.

What risks and opportunities exist related to the use of "medicine" related to workplace performance?

2020 Bundled Rates – Opioid Treatment & More

What would it take for us to "trust" the learner and for the learner to trust us?

2021 How 34 Health Care Unicorns Are Changing Your World

Where are the "unicorns" in education?

How many new learning innovations have been widely adopted due to COVID? Are these learning innovations that are simply applying other innovations or are they innovations themselves?

2022 CEO Compensation Is Variable Because…

What is the correlation between compensation and autonomy?

  • How much pay would it take for you to have significant responsibility and minimal autonomy?
  • How little pay would you take to have significant autonomy and minimal responsibility?
  • What responsibility or autonomy does a learner have?
  • How might we maximize the benefits of autonomy and responsibility?

2023 Integration, Consumer Experience & ROI Also Apply To Workplace ...

How would the ROI of learning investments be impacted if we were to eliminate measuring ROI?

How might ROI be improved without diminishing outcomes and yet with proof of ROI that cost "nothing" to measure?

How might the timing of the components of your answer be explored?

2024 Maryland Selects Carelon Behavioral Health As Next ASO For Public B...

Where do you believe we have too many choices?

Where do you believe we have too few choices?

Why does it matter?

2025 The Data Is In: Best Of The 2025 OPEN MINDS Whole Person Care Summit

Whole person care and integrated delivery - trends in healthcare - why?

What are the trends in your industry - why?

What do you want the trends to be - why? What are the obstacles? Really?


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