iFive Alliances

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2014 Avoiding The “Wall of Shame”

What would our "Learning Wall of Shame" include?

2015 Using Your CRM For Care Navigation

What would "navigated learning" that has a learner-centric face look like?

2016 Going ‘Over The Rainbow’ To Tech Oz

If we seek to go where no one has gone before (isn't that part of innovation leadership) - who will lead us there? Who will prepare our leaders to take us there? Why not us? What will it take for us to do this?

2017 What Investors Are Looking For In The Complex Consumer Space

How might an internal "cost center" restructure their business model to function more like a profit center?

2018 CMS Approves North Carolina’s 1115 Medicaid Managed Care Waiver, En...

Much of what has dictated healthcare appears to be the payment structure. Does our corporate payment structure dictate the learning that is available. Where does this create value for the enterprise? Where does it hinder it? How is cross-functional career growth funded? Who covers the cost of the gap created when someone transfers cross-functionally?

2019 Bringing New Tech To Scale Means Moving Beyond IT

How does a line of business manager learn how to lead the organization to achieve business outcomes leveraged by their investments in technology?

How do we do this for investments in technology related to learning?

2020 Three Ways To Grow Your Next Leaders

What new leadership capabilities are needed? How do we help leaders accept that they need something new?

2021 Children Are Not Little Adults

What aspects of performance might be hindered by duration of employment or time in position? What might be accelerated?

How are we leveraging this to improve performance?

Similarly, what aspects of being new to the company or a role might hinder or accelerate performance - how are we leveraging this?

2022 The Data Dilemma

What is the relationship between data and decisions?

What comes first the data or the decision?

If data - how did we make the decision on the source and quality of the data?

If decision - how do avoid interpreting data with the bias of the decision?

2024 HEDIS In Action

If the data does not look good regarding your performance - what options do you have?

  • Challenge the data or find date that does look good?
  • Challenge the interpretation or offer another interpretation?
  • Ignore the data?
  • Make changes to improve your performance

What is the purpose of collecting data? How do we assure that the purpose is being met?


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