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2015 The GIG Economy - Welcome To The World of Microentrepreneurs

During the "transition" from employment models to "gig" models we may be guilty of expecting that our managers know how to manage contractors and that contractors know how to be managed?

It may be harder or easier than managing employees or being an employee - but I believe it is different and that it represents an emerging skill requirement that may be addressed by traditional training models.

What are you doing to address this?

2016 Using Pharmacy Data Analytics to Improve Medical Home Performance

This is an interesting example of understanding data first and then seeking correlations.

This may be a method of preventing our biases from causing us to miss important information. I remember being educated by Gene Pease on this concept. He was well ahead of his time and I appreciate what he taught me.


2017 Does Your Organization Need A Digital Transformation? Is Your Team ...

What is your digital transformation model?

The diagnostic questions in the article relate directly to Workplace Learning - and reflect "digital transformation" - 1.0.

The article did offer a thinking model for DT 2.0

"Decision 1: Where your business should go

Decision 2: Who will lead the effort

Decision 3: How to “sell” the vision to key stakeholders

Decision 4: Where to position the firm within the digital ecosystem

Decision 5: How to decide during the transformation

Decision 6: How to allocate funds rapidly and dynamically

Decision 7: What to do when"

2018 How to Make a Value-Based Partnership Really Work

What is our role in assuring that our company gains value from its providers?

Identify a problem and market yourself as the solution

Be creative and negotiate

Keep talking and show results

2019 The Why & How of Clinical Decision Support

Creating a culture around outcomes

Determining which EBPs to include

Implement the right technology

Select a partner to analyze the data (this is vital - are we willing to do so?)

2020 EHRs: How To Get From The Core 4 To The New 9

What are the core functions of an LMS? How have these evolved in your career?

2021 Addictions Treatment — The Current Path To Value

Healthcare is shifting addiction treatment to engagement and self-management.

How might this apply to the changes in behavior that you are developing for other? Or - that we need for ourselves regarding the future of learning> Are we addicted to the ways we teach?

2022 Treatment Transformation Ahead

Healthcare is transforming from:

  • broad provision to specialty service
  • stand-alone to part of integrated systems
  • in-clinic to hybrid
  • tech-adjacent to tech-infused

How might this offer insight to the transformation of what we do?

2023 The ACO Evolution

How has accountability for learning outcomes evolved during your career?

2025 Florida Medicaid Moves Behavior Analysis Services To Health Plans

Build, Buy, Collaborate - what influences the decision?

Define, Implement, Evaluate - what are the checks and balances?

Bias, Objectivity, Chance - which do you prefer?


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